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Post Info TOPIC: Electronic signitures for Self-Assessment approval???


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Electronic signitures for Self-Assessment approval???
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Hi, I have been looking for the post(s) about some kind of web based software that allows you to email a clients self-assessment for approval and to sign on-line. I can't find any of the posts I but I know it has been talked about several times.

Can anyone tell me what the options are for this please, if you use it.







Master Book-keeper

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Hello, is it this you're looking for.....  (with apologies to Lionel Richie!)





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Master Book-keeper

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Is that why its raining today John - you been singing?

I like this one - might even suggest it to an accountant I know who always struggles getting signed bits and bobs back. So thanks for the pointer!

-- Edited by Cheshire on Saturday 25th of April 2015 01:13:33 PM



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position


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Been using hellosign for about a year and would fully recommend it. (it was Kris on here who recommended it originally)

Really easy to use.

When sending someones accounts and tax return I upload a cover letter on headed paper, the accounts and tax return.  You can then specify where someone is to sign.  You can also have it dated.  You send to the client and they can sign.  You can even have it once the client has signed to come back to you for you to sign.  

From the clients viewpoint really easy to use.  They can either do a signature with their mouse/figure pad or just select a typed signature.

Once everyone has signed you get a copy back plus the client gets a copy.  You also get a full audit trail of what has happened.  I save the signed copies to my clients folder.

Costs about £10 per month.

Only downside is that it is sent as a email to the client so not as secure as say a portal.

I am moving from Taxcalc to IRIS shortly and will probably use IRIS openspace to send everything going forward as it is sent via a portal so more secure as the client needs to sign in.  Though understand the client sign anything in openspace and is just an electronic stamped signature.  The signature in Hellosign looks so much better as there is an actual signature in the appropriate place in the accounts and tax return.  So might carry on using Hellosign as well as Openspace.


Mark Stewart CA

Providing accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax services to small and medium sized businesses across Central Scotland and beyond.


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I use signable and it works on a payg basis or you can have a variety of plans. We use it for engagement letter as well.

The audit trail is the best this about it as it shows every open and obviously when it is signed.


Phil Hendy, The Accountancy Mentor

Are you thinking of setting up your own practice or have you set up and need some help?

If so a mentor may be the way forward - feel free to get in touch and see how I can assist you. 


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