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Post Info TOPIC: Can anyone customise an invoice in sage report designer?


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Can anyone customise an invoice in sage report designer?
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Hi, after hours and hours (I'm talking 4!!) I've given up on trying to use report designer in sage 50 for my invoice!!

I wanted to set it up to save me time (right now I use excel for invoices - not quite as bad as it sounds though) anyway I have a template saved and it's just seems to take up quite a bit of time every time I make a new invoice - type in the address and all the details blah blah blah and then occidentally over-write the one I did 10 minutes ago and loosing them and all that.

Anyway I have had enough with the report designer in Sage...can I pay someone else to do it? how do I find someone who can do this in Sage for me, and is it as simple as that? is it something that can be set up and sent over to me?

It's quite basic what I want, but I can't lay it out - it looks proper rubbish!!


Anyway if anyone knows anyone that can do this please could you let me know. I would much rather pay someone who knows what they are doing to do it, I've already lost 4 hours today when I should have been working









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Hi Rachel,

Yes, it is as simple as that and I think there are plenty of first class folk on here that can provide this as a paid for service. You could contact Bruce at Making I.T. Happen or John at Leyburn Solutions for pointers or a quote to get you going.




Ian Brown FCA
Onion Reporting Software Ltd

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I can 'second' Bruce, he did a few bits for me and is very reasonable.


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I have one set up in a clients sage - love the fact you can do 'recall' and it just laods everything then you only have to change a couple of fields. No idea how it was done as it was already there when I took it on - its all black magic to me!



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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Rachel do you want to drop me an email -I have designed several invoice reports before







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You're talking about something slightly different. Rachel was talking about the design of the printed invoice, as set up using Sage Report Designer. What you're talking about is remembering the basic detail of an invoice to save in order that you can call it up each month and most of the regular data is filled in.

You set this up by creating an invoice as you normally would, or editing an existing one, and then clicking on "Memorise" at the bottom - right next to the "Recall" button you mentioned.

In the screen that appears, you enter a name for the memorised email, a more detailed description (so if you invoice Joe Bloggs regularly - say each month - you might call it "BLOGGS-REG" and describe it as "Joe Bloggs regular monthly invoice".

You don't have to set up any frequency stuff in the bottom half of the screen - and if not you can only use that memorised invoice by clicking "Recall" and selecting it (as you are doing). Very convenient.

You can also set it to create the invoice on a regular basis using the bottom half of the window, in which case it's done when the recurring transactions are posted - but I'd only do this if you are absolutely SURE you will be invoicing every month (or whatever), otherwise you'll end up with invoices in the invoice list (unposted/saved) on those occasions where a "regular" invoice didn't happen; Sage will have created the invoice, and you've not used it - which means in the actual accounts, you end up with gaps in the invoice numbers.

I use it without a frequency set up for my regular clients, just in case I don't do any work for them in any given month - which is sometimes the case for smaller ones - and I use it with a frequency for people for whom I invoice recurring, less frequent items to, such as annual hosting fees.


Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software

(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)

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VinceH wrote:


You're talking about something slightly different. Rachel was talking about the design of the printed invoice, as set up using Sage Report Designer. What you're talking about is remembering the basic detail of an invoice to save in order that you can call it up each month and most of the regular data is filled in.

I was thinking you could add logos etc to the one you could use in the 'recall' screen section, then as you say use them for clients without the frequency set up.  Is that do-able?  Must have a tinker with it when I have time.




Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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Hi Rachel

I'd be happy to do a setup for you without charge. I know how frustrating it can be!



Bruton Young Bookkeeping -

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