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Post Info TOPIC: People in the field of bookkeeping, professionals. Why would someone want to be a bookkepper?


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People in the field of bookkeeping, professionals. Why would someone want to be a bookkepper?
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The question above my fellas.


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I suppose you could say, the same reasons as people choose to be teachers, doctors, vets etc, to help people, and because numbers interest you.


Y does anyone choose anything?  When I choose bookkeeping it was a cross between that and wedding planning, but decided I wasnt creative enough for the latter. Think their just has to be that spark their and if their is go for it. 



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hm.. convincing (: thank you .



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So very true what Lainy said, you need to enjoy the job and get job satisfaction!

I love numbers and anything to do with businesses, yes even the marketing side of businesses!



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because I'm too old to be an astronaut



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I was going to do an engineering apprenticeship, but decided I didn't fancy getting my hands dirty. So I thought I'd become a cost accountant, and sit at a nice comfy desk working out how much engineering stuff cost. But somehow I got sucked into all the boring financial stuff too!



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In my case, the answer is that it wasn't by choice, but by accident. I've always been good with numbers, which is probably why I've never been without work in this field, but what I wanted to do (and still do, but less so because people keep paying me to do this) was write computer software. Which also benefits from being good with numbers.


Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software

(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)


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"Why would someone want to be a bookkeeper"

Because they are very sad, pedantic and have OCD tendencies - example: just HAVE to get that bank rec balanced to be able to sleep at night - can't even be a penny out, etc..

(Of course i'm not talking about myself here... Hmmm. Well maybe...)


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Erm...all of the above, especially what YvonneB said!



Alys Stuart, Stuart Nicholls Accountancy Services, Preston, Lancashire.


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People who have an interest in business and knowing the inner workings of those businesses. It is amazing what insight you can find out about a company and, particularly for sole traders, individual lifestyles etc. Basically just being nosey.


Phil Hendy, The Accountancy Mentor

Are you thinking of setting up your own practice or have you set up and need some help?

If so a mentor may be the way forward - feel free to get in touch and see how I can assist you. 



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Hm.. cool
Thanks to all

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