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Post Info TOPIC: Sage crashed when performing year end procedure

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Sage crashed when performing year end procedure
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Now this is not a huge problem for me but it's niggling me...

I have Sage 2014 and 2015 and when I have run the year end procedure on client data (remotely on my own PC rather than on theirs which is why it isn't a problem to me) Sage has crashed out totally and when I go back in the year end hasn't run.

I know there are some Sage gurus on here and just wondered if it's something you've come across?

I'm not really using Sage any more except at client premises so it doesn't bother me too much from a business point of view, it's more my own personal form of OCD that wonders why it's doing this. My Sage contract has run out and I have no intention of renewing it so can't call them to ask.

Is it a known issue?





Bruton Young Bookkeeping -


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I've not experienced that problem in approaching 30 years of Sage use. On the other hand, I've not upgraded beyond 2013 after a falling out with Sage - so it's entirely possible there's a newly introduced problem.

However, it could also be other things - a corruption in the data, perhaps (have you checked the data)?

Another possibility is that it could be indicative of a hardware fault, such as a problem with your hard drive. I'd suggest making sure you have a good backup and data recovery system in place, just in case - but you should have a good backup and data recovery system in place, anyway!

If you have another PC handy, it would be worth installing Sage on that, and loading the Sage backup (from the original source, not a backup from the one not working) and trying that. If that works, it's your PC. If it doesn't, it's either the data or Sage itself.


Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software

(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)

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Hi Vince

Data has been checked and is fine. And of course I have a good backup and recovery system in place!! I am little miss OCD and have numerous backups in all sorts of places

I have a feeling it's a new error in 2014/2015 as like you, I didn't experience it in 2013. I ran the same procedure on another PC and it worked fine so that would indicate it's my own PC, but it was only bought in November and I cannot fathom what could be wrong!!

I haven't actually fallen out with Sage but won't be renewing and I'm moving clients off the software so as I said, it isn't a big deal, just a niggle. It does appear it's my PC though, which works faultlessly in every other way (have I cursed it now??) so I'm not going to worry too much about it.


Bruton Young Bookkeeping -

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