I am caught by regulation 8 of the ACCA and I am about to move away from them.
I have been offered associate membership with the IFA but I am concerned about them as they are not replying to my emails regarding moving this forward and if this is they way they treat people trying to become members it is somewhat worrying.
I wondered what everyone else had settled on when they made the move from ACCA?
so sorry to hear about your regulation 8 issues (I absolutely know where you are coming from on that issue although touch wood I seem to have traversed it with a good training practice that was impressed with some of my responses on here).
The IFA changed just before Christmas when they joined up with the Australian institute of Public Accountants.
Members views were pretty much dismissed where they didn't agree with what the IFA wanted (possibly due to the burn rate situation) and resulted in some IFA members jumping ship when the deal was done.
The body of choice for ex IFA members seems to be AIA who welcomed IFA's with open arms (The other body that was sweeping up those peeved off with IFA was ICPA).
The reports back about the AIA afterwards have all been positive with many regreting that they had not made the move sooner.
Note that I am not saying the the IFA is a bad choice, it's just not the same choice that it was last year.
I was however one of those who abandoned the IFA largely due to the way that things were handled during in the meger but also because when it came down to it having IFA after your name isn't what one spent years putting ACCA there for.
My decision ended up that if I had not gained proper supervision then I would have returned to corporate rather than abandon my letters.
Anyway, thats not the question that you are asking.
If you have absolutely decided to leave the ACCA then have a word with AIA and see what you think. As I say, the reports that I'm getting both on and off line are very positive.
kind regards,
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I have tried to move into practice to get the relevant experience but can't without taking an enormous pay cut which I can't afford. I spend years putting those letters in place thinking I could move across sadly that hasn't been possible. Regulation 8 means that I can't do final accounts or file a tax return unless you've found a way around that? Does someone supervise your practice or are you sticking to bookkeeping and VAT returns?
I enquired with the IFA because they are an IFAC member and I thought that would mean better regulated but getting information out of them is like pulling teeth.