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Post Info TOPIC: End of agreement

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End of agreement
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One of my clients has ended our agreement of bookkeeping for 1 hour each week which I am relieved about as I feel like the Samaritans when he calls me and he's a bit of a pain in the bum!! I have been thinking about getting rid of him for a few months now but my partner makes me feel guilty about abandoning him!!!

Anyway, my letter of engagement says I require 30 days notice. He has only given me 14 days. At first I wasn't fussed as I am glad to see him go however, if I finish on 31st July like he is asking me to, the bank reconciliation won't be completed as the bank statements are printed on the last day of the month and therefore I won't have received it in time if I finish as he planned.


I have just received an e-mail from him telling me that our agreement ends once the reconciliation for July is finished. He is Jewish and therefore is not contactable on the Saturday 1st August, I won't be working on the Sunday 2nd August and have clients booked in on the 3rd, 4th and 6th August.

I would appreciate it if someone could give me their opinion on what I should do! Should I just agree to finish it off, even though he is not planning on paying me for work carried out after 31st July? Should I enforce my t&c's on the letter of engagement or should I insist he pays me the extra hour that I normally do each week for him? I have been with him for nearly two years and have always gone out of my way to help him out if he needed it and never charged him any extra. I took on his payroll almost a year ago and did not charge him any extra. I just feel like he is taking advantage now and not sure what is best to do!!!


Thanks in advance!




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Posts: 1811
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Write him a polite, but clear reply, pointing out the key facts.

In particular, point out the terms stated in your LoE, which he agreed to. If you are happy to let him go outside of those terms, state that, but also clearly explain the timing issue - that you won't be able to complete a July reconciliation, and why. If you are inclined to do so, give him the option of letting you carry out the July reconciliation when it is practical to do so (which would include him having to pay for that work), suggesting that doing so would be in keeping with the terms he agreed with you.

Basically, cover yourself.

-- Edited by VinceH on Monday 20th of July 2015 09:00:00 PM


Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software

(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)

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