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Post Info TOPIC: Response to new accountant courtesy letter

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Response to new accountant courtesy letter
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I have a client who has been a nightmare from start to finish.  He doesn't provide records on time, and when he does provide them they are nonsense. He doesn't pay my invoices on time either.  At his end of year I suggested he should find someone else.

The new bookkeeper has written me a courtesy letter asking if there is any reason they shouldn't take him on.  How honest can I be?!


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Simple answer.... As honest as you would like others to be with yourself.

The main reason for a courtesy letter is to determin if there is any reason that they should not act as the clients new representitive. i.e there are outstanding fee's or you did not know that you no longer acted for the client (that happens more often than you may imagine).

If you do still act for the client until a new bookkeeper takes over you are not allowed to respond to the new bookkeeper until your client gives you permission to talk to them. Thats normally a mere formality as the soon to be ex client will be expecting you to handle a handover (although the client often expects far more than is the reality of a handover!).

It sounds as though this one is doing the right thing by contacting you so the least that you can do is be honest with them.

Don't say anything disparaging about the client. Don't allow emotions to creep into your response, simply state the facts and allow the new bookkeeper to make their decision on that basis.



-- Edited by Shamus on Sunday 7th of July 2019 04:01:02 PM

-- Edited by Shamus on Sunday 7th of July 2019 04:01:54 PM



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Don't say anything disparaging. Is what I mentioned above disparaging? I could say so much more but was trying to be polite!


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Sounds like your still spitting feathers about this client.



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Oh yes. I just want him out of my life now! He still owes me some money, once he's paid that I will happily pass his paperwork over to someone else and let them deal with it. But I don't want to let another bookkeeper end up in this situation so want to give some clear clues as to what they are taking on.

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