I have used Sage Line 50 Accounts Plus for years but have just taken a client on with Sage One and oh what a difference. From a bookkeepers point of view I find it very difficult but if you have no accounting knowledge I guess it would be a dream.
Can anyone recommend other cloud based accounts packages which deliver good reporting facilities and P & L/ VAT/ Bal Sheet/ Journals?
FreeAgent and Kashflow seem to be the two that are miles ahead of all of the competition but I've not used either so cannot make further comment.
happy reading and good luck finding a solution that works for you... Oh, and your client of course,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I have just started using QuickBooks Online for one client. I resisted but they insisted. I have written another post on here asking if anyone else uses it or likes it. It's OK. It has done everything I needed so far. It's just no fun. I much prefer the desktop option. It just takes a long time for the pages to load and only being able to have one window open at a time is a nightmare. I guess those 2 things would apply to all online packages.
Xero is the best online accounts package in my opinion.
We have about 60 clients on it.
Going to have a look at Freeagent in the next few months and although use IRIS which owns Kashflow probably wont look at Kashflow.
But whatever you do stay clear of SAGEone.
SAGE is bringing out bank feeds for their desktop version of Line 50 in the 2016 edition (due out in the next few weeks). Dont know how it will work but should make a big difference to current SAGE fans.