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Post Info TOPIC: Director's salary and pension qualifying years

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Director's salary and pension qualifying years
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Can I just check I'm right on this?

If I have a husband and wife directors only payroll, and they take a salary of £8060 per year each (just under the primary threshold so they pay no NI), will it still count as a qualifying year for state pension because they're over the Lower Earnings Limit of £5824 pa? They're keen to pay as little tax/NI as possible but obviously I don't want them to miss out on their state pension to save a few quid this year.

Thanks in advance :)




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The NI system starts for income above the lower earnings limit, so for folk paid above this they will get a credit for NI even though you have not paid a contribution.

Is there any reason why you think Director's are any different on this score?



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Hi Joanne,

The directors bit is irrelevant really, I suppose the question was just as to whether they would receive a qualifying year for a salary of £8060. I always thought this was the case, but for peace of mind I just wanted to check.

Thanks for your help.


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A general question, is there any advantage to paying £8112 rather than £8060?  In other words paying a teensy bit of NI 





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I don't think there is John, aside from a moral stand point I suppose.

As long as you've earned and processed over the lower earnings limit, all is good.

Up to the client how ethical they want to play it, we can only offer them the calculations. Me personally, I'd sooner pay 7.5% and no necessary NI :)

-- Edited by abacus12345 on Tuesday 14th of February 2017 12:24:38 PM


Johnny  - Owner of an overly-active keyboard. 

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abacus12345 wrote:

I don't think there is John, aside from a moral stand point I suppose.

As long as you've earned and processed over the lower earnings limit, all is good.

Up to the client how ethical they want to play it, we can only offer them the calculations. Me personally, I'd sooner pay 7.5% and no necessary NI :)

 Thanks Johnny, I didn't mean ethically, I just wondered if paying a token amount made any difference to your pension or whatever.





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I know mate, the ethical line was for the benefit of others who search around the forum. I know you already know what I wrote. It is an interesting point, makes me wonder, why bother if you don't have to, and get no greater benefit!


Johnny  - Owner of an overly-active keyboard. 

A man who can read, yet doesn't, is in no way wiser than a man who can't.


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