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Post Info TOPIC: Claiming for a mobile phone cost?

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Claiming for a mobile phone cost?
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Hi all

I was just wondering how you would claim a mobile phone bill which is part personal part business. 

Client is a sole trader and not VAT registered. His handset cost £600, split over 2 years interest free payments. His has approximated about 50:50 for his split, however, would he be allowed to claim handset costs (as a capital allowance?), as it is an asset, however, its likely only to be used for those two years. Bills are in his personal name and not company.

My concern with claiming the cost of the handset is, would it be a reasonable expense, where a possibly lot cheaper handset would have sufficed for business requirement ie the extra cost would be a personal use. 

Thanks Lyndsey



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Hi Lyndsey

You say sole trader and then say company? 

As a sole trader I would allow for the cost of the phone as a 50:50 as with the bills.

If Ltd Company I would suggest moving the contract in to the name of the Co.

As for the cost and you saying there are a lot cheaper handsets, I think this could be said for most things as in Van cost 10,000 could have got one for 8,000, laptop cost 600 could get one for 400

This is only my opinion but I don't think £300.00 for a mobile used for work over 2 years is unreasonable




These are only my opinions of how I see things and therefore should not be taken as advice

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Sorry, that was my mistyping, I meant to say "business" name


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Yes, I can see where you are coming from with the van cost, just being careful!


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