HMRC are carrying out a compliance check on one of my clients SA tax return, I have spoken to my client and they are happy for me to deal with HMRC on their behalf and give them any information that is needed, but was just wondering how I stood on client confidentiality and should I be getting written consent from them before I send any information to HMRC, or is the client authorisation that is in place enough.
First time I have had a check on an existing client and just wanted to know how others deal with it
These are only my opinions of how I see things and therefore should not be taken as advice
Hi Doug
I havent had a written one, but I would get written consent just to be sure - an email if nothing else. Also I would perhaps run the response letter by the client so they know what has been covered off/happy with it/can think of anything else they may wish to add (depends what they are asking of you!)
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Hi Doug I havent had a written one, but I would get written consent just to be sure - an email if nothing else. Also I would perhaps run the response letter by the client so they know what has been covered off/happy with it/can think of anything else they may wish to add (depends what they are asking of you!)
Thanks Joanne
That's what I did I sent them a copy of the letter that I am proposing to send with a space for them to add any changes that they wanted or additional information and then to sign and date and return it to me before I send anything to HMRC just to be on the safe side.
These are only my opinions of how I see things and therefore should not be taken as advice