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Post Info TOPIC: Anti Money Laundering courses


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Anti Money Laundering courses
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Hi all,

Can anyone recommend an Anti Money Laundering course online? There seems to be a few online, with varying prices and durations to complete!  Dont want to waste my time or money so your recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  I am a freelance bookkeeper with about 3 clients.  Thank you. M 



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I would, but you seem to have completely ignored the response I gave you to your last query, so I'm wondering why anyone on here would bother to help.



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Did I?  I am really sorry,  I thought I replied to you.  I really do apologise.  But why do you need to be so rude, just ignore my question and move on..  apologise again for ignoring you.



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Meganp wrote:

Did I?  I am really sorry,  I thought I replied to you.  I really do apologise.  But why do you need to be so rude, just ignore my question and move on..  apologise again for ignoring you.


 When exactly was I rude?




Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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'so I am wondering why anyone on here would bother to help you' I think that is quite rude, obviously you dont, so lets just leave it there, shall we. Good night.


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So, I call you out for being rude in the first instance, which makes me rude?!! Absolutely not. I will continue to call out anyone on here who doesn't show an appreciation for people providing answers and have done on many many occasions. I will not apologise for expecting good manners.

Of course, on the basis you have apologised (despite it being in the mode of a s**t sandwich!), I would be happy to draw a line under the issue, if you wish plus continue to provide guidance.



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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It's a fair cop.

Have a read of this



-- Edited by Casu on Monday 17th of February 2020 11:13:40 PM



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I can't comment on the previous thread Joanne refers to as I haven't read it, but the enquirer does thank you all in the post before anyone replied.



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Lorry10 wrote:

I can't comment on the previous thread Joanne refers to as I haven't read it, but the enquirer does thank you all in the post before anyone replied.

 Hi Lorraine

Thas has  been noted and is all well and good, but in an office scenario if you walked up to someone's desk and asked for help, with said please or thank you beforehand, would you just walk away after they have provided their explanations, without saying a single word? Not one single word!! I don't think so. So why is it acceptable on this forum?  




Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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No I don't think I would,  Joanne, but everyone is human remember and let's say on one occasion I was distracted for some reason, and I did. But let's also say  that on the one other occasion I had  approached that office desk for help I  had thanked everyone  before, during  and afterwards (which was the case with this poster).  


I wouldn't have expected that kind of response when I next asked for advice, nor that kind of ** language when I apologised.  



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Lorry10 wrote
had thanked everyone  before, during  and afterwards (which was the case with this poster).  

Absolutely not the case with this poster. Where was the thanks afterwards? she didn't make a single comment after she had received her response from Joanne.  



I wouldn't have expected that kind of response when I next asked for advice, nor that kind of ** language when I apologised.     So what else would you call a s**t sandwich, other than a 's**t' sandwich? Makes the apology completely worthless.

I dont believe you would walk away from someone's desk without saying a single word, bad day or not. Unless of course the person whose desk you were at just ignored you!!! 



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Try answering practically every query that pops up on here Lorraine, with several of those every week completely and utterly ignored. Some quite lengthy, detailed and technical responses, prime example a couple of posts down. See how blithering frustrated you would get.

There is no excuse when someone has put themselves out to respond. I'm not the only one frankly totally and utterly fed up with this lack of a response. Talk to the other regular responders and they will tell you the same, they certainly tell me offline and on, all the time.

Edited to correct a spelling error

Edited further to add.....

interesting hmm

-- Edited by Cheshire on Wednesday 19th of February 2020 10:41:53 PM

-- Edited by Cheshire on Wednesday 19th of February 2020 11:28:33 PM



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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Good Evening to you Both, 
Dear Casu - if you read my post again and check, you'll find that the  poster did approach the forum for advice twice. On one occasion she thanked everyone (including Joanne) before, during and after receiving their advice. On the second occasion  the poster asked for advice she also thanked, but in advance. When Joanne pointed the latter out and that she was unhappy about this, the poster apologised immediately (and more than once)  for not responding afterwards.  
Dear Joanne - I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling disheartened. I would never underestimate your contribution to technical questions on the forum,  but your reaction to what I describe above seems harsh.  
Casu -  No,  despite your persuasions, I still wouldn't use that **term on a professional forum. 
Joanne - noted your new edit with the emoji . Since you are now devoting further time on the forum to checking my posts to find one lack of reply to you from 2 years ago,  I hope that you also took the time to note that after my last post on that thread  I was absent from the forum for a year.  There were reasons for that. 


G'night ladies. 



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For the record, I went for one old post to look up your background (I do it for all posters to remind me of who they are) and it happened to be that one, Lorraine. Unfortunate. But one of many many many many many many many hundreds encountered (not from you I hasten to add). Oh and yes, I clock everything! 

So, how do you propose we deal with such total lack of a response in the future? Just sweep it under the carpet?

Answers on a postcard peeps. Or not.

Harsh? Its your opinion and that's fine. I disagree. But that's fine, we don't have to agree.

Preofessional forums. Yes, once you have banned the spammers, freeloaders, ones who have told me to 'f**k off when they didn't like the advice and the ones who have made threats on/offline in the past (the moderator is aware and acted swiftly). Then maybe. Except we still get the law breakers and some who frankly shouldn't be let loose practicing on fee paying clients, acting completely contrary to professional ethics/breaking professional body rules ...I could go on.

Note, unlike one who told me to F off, I didn't swear at the OP, I used a well known phrase to describe what she did. Totally agree with Caron, I considered the apology not worth the paper it was written on.

-- Edited by Cheshire on Thursday 20th of February 2020 08:22:42 AM



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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I support Joanne in her observations and comments.

Whilst her tone can seem to offend those of a delicate disposition, you need to read between the lines and deduce that the lack of simple etiquette time and time again will produce some acid toned responses. Take a look at the number of `posts`.... represents a huge amount of advice given on this forum over many years !

Not only does a simple thank you be lacking these days, simple respect and acknowledgment of someone taking the time to not only read, but offer advice and often pointers in the right direction is all too absent.

And before anyone should think / ask, I am not on Joanne`s payroll, member of appreciation society, just felt sparring on the forum is counter productive to all.


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It can be frustrating when you give advice and it isn't acknowledged. Yes it can be overlooked but a simple sorry, I must have overlooked that would have sufficed.

I'd just like to publicly thank Joanne and the other regular contributors for their time and effort in providing good advice and help.

Please, if you feel like joining in, even if it's just with banter and the like.  It would be a real shame to see the forum die.





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Thank you Julie and John! Appreciate the nice comments (noted re the acid for future reference, although I will always retain my forthrightness).    Always a pleasure to help and receive help from you both.


-- Edited by Cheshire on Saturday 22nd of February 2020 12:08:28 PM



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

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