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Post Info TOPIC: Charity Accounts

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Charity Accounts
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Does anyone know of any cheap!! software specifically for charity accounts that can deal with fund accounting.  I have 2 small charities one incorporated and one not (also one paying and one not!)

I have had a look at Sorpaid as an add on to VT Final accounts but I didn't fancy another £150 a year.  I have also looked at just inputting the figures on to the template with the Charities Commission but the report looked really unprofessional. 

I'm really surprised that VT don't offer it.  Any suggestions would be welcome



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Hi Valerie
Can you pass the fees on to them both, I know one pays you no fees but surely you can pass on an incurred fee - £75 per isnt much to pay if they dont like the CC ones?

Or look at

Otherwise you are looking at Caseware or Iris (expensive).



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Out of interest - what do you use for MTD?



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Well a big massive thank you Joanne.

I already have taxfiler but I've never used it for accounts production and had no idea it could handle charities.
I just had to have a little check. Shows you need to check what you already have!!

I use VT for MTD but I only have one client who currently has to comply.

Thank you, that's my afternoon sorted
Enjoy the rest of the day


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no Sadly my excitement was short lived. 

Taxfiler don't currently do charity accounts 


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Ahhh no, sorry to disappoint, it was Taxcalc I listed rather than Taxfiler.

Reason I asked about MTD was thinking you might say why not stick with them as you will need to pay for the VT module anyway (unless you were on the hunt for other software), but now essentially you can spread the cost between 3?



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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Hi Joanne

It's the Sorpaid add on to VT Accounts, an extra £150, that Valerie was reluctant to pay for.  I've had a scout round but I can't find anything that comes near.  The only other one anywhere close was Liberty Accounts, but that is £12.95 monthly per charity (providing t/o under £250k), so would be more than double the cost.





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Oops, yes sorry forgot to factor in Sorpaid. Thanks John. I guess VT/3 + sorpaid/2 or naff reports. Its not great is it.



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Nope, but either the charities pay or Valerie uses the Charity Commission website imo, they can't have it both ways.

Depending on the charities of course, I can't see such a cost making that much of a dent in their activities.





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Thanks John and Joanne

I see now Joanne that you listed Taxcalc, my excited self read Taxfiler (must get out more!).

I'm going to have another play with the charities commission template as lots of people seem to use it so I'm maybe just being fussy. Failing that, I'll stop being tight and get the Sorpaid add on. Thinking about it, I do have a couple of CASCs which I could also use it for and I do seem to have a knack of picking up charities.

Have a great day everyone, the sun is finally shining here but my day will be cut short as one of my children's schools just called to say youngest has an ear infection. Bad mummy! I did ask her this morning if she was well enough to go to school. Kids !!!


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biggrinbiggrin  Yes, sorry to poil your fun day!


Fabulous weather  - 2 days of sun.  Why oh why do children have to spoil your fun, so inconsiderate to be ill?!!!




Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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Hi All
Just to update on this, in case someone else finds themselves needing similar. I did go down the Sorpaid (VT add in) route. Very thorough system which produces exactly what's needed and very professional reports. It is however extremely time consuming. I did speak on the phone to the gentleman who created it and he warned that the first time I used it to be prepared to take a long while (it really did!)
I'm sure future use will be quicker.


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