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Post Info TOPIC: HMRC MLR Supervision


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HMRC MLR Supervision
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Hi folks

Is there anybody who is registered with HMRC for money laundering supervision? If there are, did you need a 'fit and proper person' test when you applied?

I'm looking to start working as a self employed bookkeeper and I'm looking to register with HMRC for MLR, but I'm unsure if I need to complete the fit and proper person test. As far as I can see I wont be running a money service business or be a company services provider.

Thanks in advance



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An intro would be good.


Edite. Deleted. Thinking of approval fee.  

-- Edited by Casu on Sunday 26th of April 2020 11:33:35 AM



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As Caron says, a fit and proper test isn't required but you do have to pay a £40 approval fee. This is in order to check for unspent convictions, mainly for fraud and dishonesty.






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Sorry to hijack the thread (I agree with the others BTW)

I am sure my MLR must be up for renewal soon, but I have not heard anything from HMRC like I normally do, as anyone else had reminders?

And still not been asked to pay the £40 approval fee!



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Amazing, thanks for your replies.


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Artois wrote:


Sorry to hijack the thread (I agree with the others BTW)

I am sure my MLR must be up for renewal soon, but I have not heard anything from HMRC like I normally do, as anyone else had reminders?

And still not been asked to pay the £40 approval fee!

 Hi Doug

Actually cannot recall how they used to remind you, was it via email?  Anyway I would look at your online account as that will show when it has/will expire and you can just renew from there. HMRC state, somewhere, that it's your responsibility to renew in time, besides you don't want that horrendous first year fee again do you?!

I've just had written reminder/dire warning of fines letter to say mine had expired end of April.....yeah, 2018!!!!!! 



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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Hi Joanne

I am sure last year they sent an email to say it was nearing the time to renew, anyway thanks to you and this thread I checked my account and it was up for renewal on the 30th April so did it straight away, I had forgotten that it was now £300! Also had two unread messages, one of which from last September telling me to pay £40 straight away for the approval test which I also did, so my lovely Sunday evening ended up costing £340 Happy Days!




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ouch. But phew, couldve been a lot more expensive. I will send my invoice for my commission on the amount saved.....wish I had gone on a commission basis now for a few things achieved recently! lol

Is the email address in your online thingy still the same as the one you are using? As normally you get a prompt email to look at your portal emails (unless they dropped to spam!)



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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Lucky you remembered Doug.  Mine is due September.  Just set myself a reminder for end of August because I know I'll forget otherwise.





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Leger wrote:

Lucky you remembered Doug. 

 That's just it John, I didn't remember until I saw this post, I will do what you do and set a reminder for next year

Hi Joanne, yes email still the same, I probably did get a prompt but then forgot to look, just send your Invoice and I will file it under my ever growing pile of paperwork biggrin



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Applied for renewal on Sunday and approved on Friday, I am impressed



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Wow, especially in these "unprecedented" times.

In fact, all other aspects of HMRC seem to be functioning normally. Subbies got their rebates within a couple of weeks. Codes I requested arrived reasonably quickly so fair credit to HMRC, and I think we were all grateful (and may I add a little surprised) that the JRS ran relatively smoothly, save for some issues that the help desks coped with reasonably well, from what I've read.





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Agree with you John, its good going.

Probably they should implement more working at home!

It appears that the CJRS scheme has failed mostly for those trying to claim when they shouldnt, people rushing their claims and fluffing them up, or the odd ones like the XP scheme/no NI bits. Payments are coming through quicker than the 6 days now too.

Not often I say it but well done to the HMRC staff!



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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