nominal code for accountant on sage instant accounts
Hi, I wonder if anyone could help....we're just putting our accountant on sage instant accounts, and wondered if there is a special nominal code one would use for their payments? Thanks for any help in advance Roger -- Edited by Rog101 on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 11:43:47 AM
This has got to be the most aggravating piece of software on the planet! Although maybe someone can change my mind (but not about the cloudy nonsense of it!). Is the sage sales chap that was on here a few weeks ago around - maybe he can help with some of this? Would I be right in saying you can only input o...
Cloudy software and arbitrary changes - yet another pitfall.
I've just submitted a few VAT returns, as I imagine many of us are doing around about now. The figures for one, however, came from a cloud accounts package (who I am deliberately not going to name) - and I had to manually adjust them. The problem: The software didn't previously distinguish between out o...
Unused nominal codes
Hi guys, As always i have a question..... :) I would like to know how can i delete some nominal codes that have been used in the past but not anymore. There are transactions inside thst's way probably is not possible delete them. I was wondering, my COA is PARTIAL because some nominal codes are not rapr...
Conversion of Sage Backup file
Hi folks A client has given me a Sage backup file to work from but it's older than the versions I have and so won't restore. I don't have any program in between so I can't do a "two-step" conversion. Does anyone know of anyone who can convert - I am using Sage 50 v.14 so the backup is obviously mu...
Bucks Bodger
Cash payment vs. Credit Control Account
Hi guys, just a simple question, when we buy something on credit, we raise the invoice than it goes to Creditors Control Account and when we pay it we use the Supplier Payment button. BUT..... I don't buy something on credit and I pay immidiantly or just few days after, how can I do a cash payment to mar...
Moneysoft - easy way to calculate holiday pay?
Ok, so I'm a lazy sod, but is there a way I can extract data from Moneysoft that will help me calculate holiday pay? All staff work different hours each week so I'm using 12.07% of hours worked. Moneysoft does this for you automatically as a monetary figure but it appears on the payslip and the client doe...
Quickbooks Payroll Holiday
I have just noticed that quick books seems to be accruing holiday hours on top of holiday hours. Am I being stupid but that's not right is it? How can I fix it? The item list looks correct to me.
Sage Payroll Journal using Project Codes
Hi - I'm having a 'moment' and need some help please! How can I allocate payroll costs to 'projects' within Sage? There's no project number option on the journal entry, and the labour element makes up a big part of the costs per project which my client now wants to start reporting on. His version of Sa...
VT Stocks
I know VT doesnt do automatic stocks and i have to manually transfer them in and out. I am now only producing quarterly P&L and as such only have opening stock for first day of quarter and closing stock of the last day of the quarter. How do i put these in? I have transfer in the opening stock as normal,...
New message when trying to login to HMRC
Hi All Ive only just seen this (maybe I go round with my eyes shut!!) but just thought I would share it with anyone who hasnt seen it and will need to login to HMRC anytime soon. Online Service AvailabilityFrom 30 September 2015, you will no longer be able to connect to HMRC online services using the SSL...
Sage VAT detailed report
Hello lovelies! A client works on 2012 Sage. I am doing some work on the VAT control, and have just noticed that after a certain return, all further detailed reports don't show the payments input tax breakdown The return summary is correct (cash accounting) The detailed report shows the output base...
SAGE Online - slow response
Hi One of the businesses I work with has recently changed over from SAGE 200 to the online version. We're finding that the software keeps 'hanging', sometimes for several seconds. It makes working with the software tedious and slow. I'm wondering if any other forum users have found the same, and if...
‘A Foxy overload’ or ‘Super Sage’!
In another thread about nominal coding:FoxAccountancyServices wrote:The numbers would have to run in line with Sage coding, as I couldn't cope with remembering anything else! LOL! As a quick example, the current coding would go something like this...First 4 numbers are the general description...
VT Discussion - (VT-STM)
This thread is being created from another discussion. This thread is the result of a discussion between Michelle and myself where VT and Sage are being compared. Where posts were made by Michelle I will indicate such at the start of the post. All VT posts that cover technical aspects of the software wi...
Wrong VAT Scheme in Sage Instant Accounts
I've taken over the book keeping for a small company. The owner is very disorganised and so the last book keeper was never able to do a VAT reconciliation, the first transactions were entered in February 2014. It turns out that the company was set up on the wrong VAT scheme, it was set up on flat rate in...
Year End Partnership adjustments is VT+
I have been using VT+ to do my own partnership accounts, no problem. I have done year end and so on and all the SA, however i have now done the SA course and understand what i should of been doing. I am in the process of amending the SA as i did them wrong. My question is i need to adjust the profit & loss for t...
Payroll Journal in Quickbooks!
Good Afternoon Please could somebody tell me how I enter a monthly payroll journal into quickbooks. I have been given an excel spreadsheet with all the details from their payroll department. Their employees get paid from the business bank account on a weekly basis. Thank you. Jill
Sage 50 Accounts - allocating T9 sales receipts to T1 invoices?
Hi All - I have a client who has recently gone from Flat Rate VAT to standard VAT (albeit cash accounting). All of her customers are required to pay a deposit, which is later deducted from their final payment against their invoice when their product is ready. I am tidying up a lot of very old balances on...
Sage 50 textbook
Hi, Can anyone please recommend a good textbook to help me get to grips with Sage as quickly as possible? I use VT daily but now have the chance of a new/better job but they use Sage. I need to know how to handle bank loans, petty cash, credit card accounts, set up DDs, BACS etc. Its mostly supplier and Subc...