SAGE Forum - Online Help
General Book-keeping & Accounting
hiya .. Is there a dedicated onlne Sage forum where all sage users can ask questions on sage technical issues one faces a bit like bookkeepers forum or QB Intuit online community dedicated to QB. please help as I got sage but keep getting stuck on it. really appreciate this.
bookkeepy small and simple bookkeeping software online
Book-keeping Software
Hello, Just wanted to introduce you to bookkeepy << removed >> - a simple and free web-based accounting software that makes it easy to manage clients, invoices and expenses from anywhere. It is in active beta mode, so any feedback is very welcome at << removed >> or on <...
Quickbooks Online
Book-keeping Software
In this case we started using Quickbooks online on 1/7/13 following the completion of the VAT return to 30/6/13 on Quickbooks dektop. Since starting to use QBO we have posted some older transactions ( dated prior to 30/6/13) and I want to include them in the return for the quarter ended 30/9/13. When I...
SAGE Online - slow response
Book-keeping Software
Hi One of the businesses I work with has recently changed over from SAGE 200 to the online version. We're finding that the software keeps 'hanging', sometimes for several seconds. It makes working with the software tedious and slow. I'm wondering if any other forum users have found the same, and if...
Online Advanced Bookkeeping training for a person with AAT Level 3 passed
Book-keeping Training, Qualifications and Professional Bodies
Dear All, thank you for maintaining this forum. My wife passed last year the AAT Level 3 certification and started to work in a big company in Wiltshire. She has been recently offered to take part of the Bookkeeping department but they asked her to get an Advanced Bookkeeping training asap to bring her...
AML Training
Book-keeping Training, Qualifications and Professional Bodies
Hi everyone, Does anyone know which course I need to do for registering with AML? I've completed my first year of my Accounting degree so I'm a qualified Bookkeeper but apparently the training I received in this isn't what AML want. They want me to do a separate course. Can this just be the links that are...