Looking to go self-employed, advice needed
Professional Book-keepers in Practice
Hi all, I am new to this forum... i need some advice please: I am currently in my last year of AAT studies, i have just had my results, and i failed one paper of my final year.... (not to worry though, as this was expected) anyway, i am looking to go self employed, and this is my current situation: (1)i have no...
Leasing Advice
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hello, I'm new here to apologise if this is posted in the wrong forum. I have a friend/client who has just moved from being a sole trader to a ltd company and rather than buy his van from himself he wants to lease it. Is this allowed and is there any paperwork which needs to be filled out prior to him starting...
Going to be swamped running manual books & sage..advice on what to offload?
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hi All, I'm in the process of taking over all the book-keeping & admin for my husbands business as my MIL who has been Company Secretary for the last 40 years is retiring end July. I'm just learning as previously I was an IT Implementation Consultant/Project Manager. MIL has been teaching m...
Sage opening balances
Book-keeping Software
In short, Is it possible to start entering invoices into sage instant accounts without the closing/ opening balances from year end? Reason why is I have been handed a job doing the books for a local business, my first position in accounts as I'm studying with CIMA. So now I'm in at the deep end, and need...
Book-keeping Training, Qualifications and Professional Bodies
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum, and could do with a bit of advice. I worked in sales ledger, purchase ledger and credit control (part qualified ICM) for 10+ years then took a step back when I had my children. They are growing up fast and I am looking at taking the book keeping route as a free lancer (...