Payroll Management Course materials
Professional Book-keepers in Practice
I want to get the ICB Payroll management diploma but as I am taking other courses at the moment I cannot afford the course fees for home learning. I want to know if there is anyone who has taken the ICB Diploma in Payroll Management course and is interested in selling their course materials to me to study...
Helo from Southwark in London
Introductions and Time Out
Solid Limited is renowned for our friendly, professional accountancy service and ability to help businesses save valuable time and money. The secret of our success is that we have never lost sight of our original goals to provide personalised accountancy solutions, a superior level of customer s...
Bookkeeper/payroll clerk required, Wakefield
Recruitment & Jobs
We are looking to recruit a part time bookkeeper/payroll clerk based at our offices in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
See website vacancies section for full role description www.cgabookkeeping.co.uk.
Paul Harrison
Subcontracting payroll work from an Accountant - Money Laundering Regulations
Professional Book-keepers in Practice
I may be sub contracting some payroll work from a "Chartered Certified Accountant" - what are the procedures as regards Money Laundering Regulations. I assume they will have carried out their own risk assessment etc on the client. Do I just need to get a letter stating this? Would in need t...
Leaver close to Christmas
VAT, Payroll & Tax
Hello Looking for advice on the fairest way to calculate a leaver's final pay. F/t employee gave notice on 28 Nov and intends to work up to 20 Dec and 'take the rest as holiday'. Notice period is one month. Option 1: Leaving date is 20 Dec. Pro rata holiday entitlement less holiday taken is 5 days (rounded...
Expenses paid through Payroll
VAT, Payroll & Tax
I use sage payroll and accounting. My payroll journals balance (obviously) but I want to record expenses which are paid through payroll, in sage so as to show petrol receipts, hotels, car parking etc as an expense. Should I be using gross pay or gross taxable pay in my original journal? 1) How to enter i...
Accruing paid holiday for domestic workers
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hello,A client of mine provides domestic workers for the elderly and is in the process of recruiting for a live-in domestic worker who would stay with the elderly person for a full week at a time. They wouldn't actually be constantly working, just on hand for whenever they were needed and would obviou...
Multi Care Business Solutions( The Bookkeeping Service Provider)
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Clients inquire us why we should choose you? And our answer, MCBS is progressive Business Process Outsourcing company which provides Bookkeeping, Payroll, Accounting, Taxation, Web & Software development, HR services and even more.We also work for CPA's firms and companies as Back office...
Auto Enrolment
VAT, Payroll & Tax
How many of you have started looking into Auto Enrolment? Are you offering Auto Enrolment alongside the Payroll service?
Auto Enrolment - which Managment Trust option to choose
VAT, Payroll & Tax
I do payroll for a number of clients - and want to offer an auto enrolment option, but can't decide between NOW Pensions or Peoples Pension - what are your experiences and thoughts..... Which is the better value for money............. Which would you go for........and why..? Which do you think is the...
CIS Payroll Applications
VAT, Payroll & Tax
Hi All, I am in the process of developing a CIS payroll management application for builders and constructions contractors. I hope that nobody mines me posting here but I am looking for feedback on my idea to see if it is worth developing further. I have used a beta version of this for my own construction...
Looking for a software recommendation to track income and expenses and do payroll
Book-keeping Software
Hi. Closing in on retirement, I've been gradually downsizing my home based bookkeeping business and currently only have three small businesses. One I do off site, so use their software. For the other two I have been using Quick books for probably 25 years but it is getting to expensive to renew th...
Payroll help
VAT, Payroll & Tax
Have a company who have just given me a years worth of paperwork and within that there is payroll. I'm really looking for advise as to how to deal with that, their year end is 31 March, and none of the payroll info has been given to HMRC, it is a limited company with 2 directors and 2 employees, one of whi...
Reccommended GDPR compliant Payroll Software ?
Book-keeping Software
I performed a quick forum search for this topic but did not find anything current - all old posts... I would be grateful for any Payroll Bureau software (multiple employers, CIS, AE, RTI of course) recommendations looking forward to GDPR compliance. The current payroll software we are familiar wit...
Help running payroll for the first time!
VAT, Payroll & Tax
I have just run payroll for the first time, but it's very confusing and I want to make sure I've done it correctly - can anyone help? I have submitted an FPS for the director and only employee. It is late but I was waiting for the activation code for PAYE from HMRC. The director got paid £719.33 by BACS,...
Bonus Sacrifice to NEST Pension
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Good morning all! I have a client who is looking pay his employee a bonus which he is sacrificing to NEST. I am really struggling to post it and Xero has still not answered the query. Has anyone processed it and able to advise me? Kaz -- Edited by KAZ on Tuesday 26th of March 2024 09:19:53 AM