Typecast to Sage
Book-keeping Software
I have been reading some of the posts on this forum as well as having experience with dealing with bookkeepers and one thing always amazes me. There seems to be a thing about just using Sage or perhaps Quickbooks. When explaining transactions and bookkeeping issues how to record it on sage seems to be p...
SAGE Forum - Online Help
General Book-keeping & Accounting
hiya .. Is there a dedicated onlne Sage forum where all sage users can ask questions on sage technical issues one faces a bit like bookkeepers forum or QB Intuit online community dedicated to QB. please help as I got sage but keep getting stuck on it. really appreciate this.
Sage Instant Error
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hi, has anyone come across a problem on instant accounts where you get the error stating 'please enter a valid department reference' Instant accounts doesn't have departments so its an error on the software itself. The cause is that I loaded a backup from sage line 50 on a higher version of the insta...
Help Needed! I don't know what software to buy for my startup business
Book-keeping Software
Hi everyone, I am a complete newbie to accounts and book-keeping and I am starting my own recruitment company. It's just me and my husband and so I don't know what software I need. We will be Ltd and wilol be running a PAYE scheme as well as CIS for my husband. I have been advised by my accountant to get Sage b...
bookkeepy small and simple bookkeeping software online
Book-keeping Software
Hello, Just wanted to introduce you to bookkeepy << removed >> - a simple and free web-based accounting software that makes it easy to manage clients, invoices and expenses from anywhere. It is in active beta mode, so any feedback is very welcome at << removed >> or on <...
Sage sale invoicing adding a credit line
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Does anyone know how to add a credit item to a sales Invoice in Sage. I'm trying to raised a deposit invoice and then when the work is complete an invoice with the full price less the deposit. Pretty straight forward but Sage support are saying this cant be done and the only way around it is to create a journ...
Accounting app Books
Book-keeping Software
We've just released an alpha version of our << blind link removed by site moderator >> The app puts the full power of double-entry book-keeping at your fingertips, and we would much appreciate any feedback or wishes of features you would like included. -- Edited by Shamus on Tuesday 4th...
Selecting the best Book keeping software for our business
Book-keeping Software
Hi guys, I was hoping you could help us: We are an ecommerce business within the UK which uses a lot of affiliate partners worldwide. Because of this, many times we need to set up customers as suppliers and vice versa. We began using Sage 50 but because we couldn't borrow the customer ledger to set up a Pur...
Two Weeks to Figure Out a Solution For Your Intuit Desktop Sharing Clients!
Book-keeping Software
As you are most likely aware by now, Intuit is discontinuing their desktop sharing resource in January. For many accountants, bookkeepers and end user clients, this has created some anxiety as they research different collaboration options rather than make the move to QuickBooks online. The go...
Looking for a software recommendation to track income and expenses and do payroll
Book-keeping Software
Hi. Closing in on retirement, I've been gradually downsizing my home based bookkeeping business and currently only have three small businesses. One I do off site, so use their software. For the other two I have been using Quick books for probably 25 years but it is getting to expensive to renew th...
Design Partners NEEDED & General Feedback NEEDED
For Sale/Wanted
Is collecting your client paperwork a monthly nightmare? Were an Israeli startup that has created innovative software that makes lives easier for self-employed & small businesses and their bookkeepers. No more manual sorting. No more manual inputting. No more chasing clients for paper...
Reccommended GDPR compliant Payroll Software ?
Book-keeping Software
I performed a quick forum search for this topic but did not find anything current - all old posts... I would be grateful for any Payroll Bureau software (multiple employers, CIS, AE, RTI of course) recommendations looking forward to GDPR compliance. The current payroll software we are familiar wit...
Business expense vs AIA for Sample Libraries and software?
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hi everyone, I'm currently filling out my tax return and was curious how I should declare a few things. I work as a software developer via contracting, but also produce virtual game assets that are sold on several marketplaces. I've used a lot of money earned from my contracting to purchase Sample lib...