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I was looking at the quickbooks sofwtare and teh quickbooks premier edition is not very cheap. Can I use simple acocunting edition as bookkeeper?
With which one can I create multiple clients?



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I use quickbooks Pro 2008 at home and you can have up to 99 clients and I use Quickbooks Premier at work.

The Pro is very good and cheaper than the Premier.

Hope that helps
Amanda  smile




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Hi Sarad

I am setting up business myself and have tried MS Accounting Express its free and does multi clients. Have a look and see if any good to you

Good luck




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I've tried MS accounting and I like it, but it is very slow.
Although yesterday I've tried it again and it was a bit faster.
I do think that the procert software (bookcert pro kit) is still much faster and easier to use.
I'm still not decided yet which one to use.
I'm trying to find sage or quickboks cheap on ebay, but no luck for so far.

There are a lot of features in ms accounting and I'm not sure how to use them yet. How do you find it?


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RE: MS Accounting
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Hi Sara,

If you are interested in using MS Accounting 2008, there is a book available called 'Using Microsoft Office Accounting to the Max'. It's available on Amazon or from aint cheap at £34 but you'll certainly know how to use the software after following this book!




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RE: quickbooks
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thanks for the advice, I'll have a look



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Veis Pedler


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I reckon after more than 11 years they might have sorted it by now!



These are only my opinions of how I see things and therefore should not be taken as advice

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Maria Smith is a spam analyst at Spamnext Infotech LLC. The company provides crap spamming solutions to bookkeeping forums on a regular basis.


There, I fixed that for you Maria.  biggrinbiggrin


Personally I would add a clause when they sign up that they are billed $100 every time they spam, although one of them I did kinda fall in love with!!  Can't remember her name but she sounded lovely.





 Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.

Master Book-keeper

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Maria - fake name!
Profile - based in Australia - damned lie!
Responding to a post from 2008 with a supposed answer - a bit thick!



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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