i am new to this forum and would very much appreciate the help and advice from those who are currently or have been in practice......
I have worked in accounts for over 12 years (AAT Intermediate qualified), mainly as an accounts assistant doing a bit of everything from purchase/sales ledger to preparing the accounts to trial balance.
I have knowledge in sole traders, limited companies, partnerships, legal and charity accounts..
I really want to go it alone but have no knowledge at all on how to reach them out there to use my services!!!!!
where should i start???? there are so many different ways to advertise but i just don't know which on will work!.
did anyone find bookcert of any help with getting those first clients?
I personally consider Bookcert to be a good investment. Although like you, I had the practical experience, that was it, I really had no idea on how to start up my own business, looking for clients etc.
Bookcert comes in two parts, first part is the practical side of bookkeeping, how to prepare a clients accounts - its really designed for those who have had no bookkeeping experience, or very little. The second part is what I really bought it for, `the how to start your business` which I have found really helpful.
As you say, there are so many different ways to advertise, the trick is finding the way or ways that best suit you and for that reason, Bookcert does give some good tips on where and how to advertise.
However, the Bookcert kit is expensive and you really need to weigh up the pros and cons before you take the plunge. I would suggest looking at how and where businesses advertise, such as local papers, leaflet drops, cards in shop windows - start to get your head into mode of a business owner and think of ways to get the word out that there is a new bookkeeping service in town !
I'm new to this forum too and also looking at the Bookcert kit. The part I'm most interested in is the technical support you have access to and also the free website which I think will be handy for advertising. I've already completed a basic bookkeeping course with my local business link, and have worked on both the sales and purchase ledger side of businesses.
The reason I'm interested in Bookcert is that I like the idea of having access to someone who I can ask questions. I'm just wondering if you have used the technical support much and if so how did you find it?
I`m afraid I`ve not used the technical support so cannot really comment on how they fair ! Also, I have not taken up the offer of a free website mainly due to the fact that they are already formatted in style and write-up. If there was more of a choice in terms of design to make it more original then I would perhaps have one. At the moment I do not feel the need to have a website.
You say you have completed a course with your local business link - it may be worthwhile enquiring about any business start up courses in your local area, these are usually run in conjunction with your local council. I never got round to this due to family commitments, but if there is one in your area it is worth checking it out as they are normally free.
Business link are a good source of info and support to businesses if its just a shoulder to lean on you need ! not forgetting forums such as this, its a little gem.
Another thing which may be of interest and value is our New Business Start-Up Package... which includes various templates with sample data, custom website, as well as some marketing sheets to help.
I know there are some other posts on here about finding clients so worth a search here too.
I started on 6th April this year and hit a full order book by mid-May without advertising.
Admittedly I was lucky, but what I did was mailshot all the chartered accountancy practices in my town, along with a flyer indicating what services I was offering and a copy of my CV (to show what I can do, plus referees). I had a firm call me straight away who had been looking to outsource their book-keeping, a client who used one of the accountants I'd written to who needed a book-keeper and another practice who I met with last week who are currently turning down requests for book-keeping services as they don't offer it, but are now passing on my information.
That got me a couple of days work a week. The rest of my billable time comes from just talking to people in business. I had a property investor come to look at my house with a view to buying it, we got talking and it transpired that they needed management accounts, cashflows and budgets, but didn't want to pay £100+ an hour to their accountants. I'll be billing them for my first week's work tomorrow!
As I said, I've been lucky, but the key in my (admittedly limited) experience is to ask for work. The more people and firms you ask, the more likely someone will say 'yes.'
Good luck!
Steven Emsley/01302 310 186/07774 264 073/www.legerbusiness.co.uk
Out of interest how many accountancy firms did you send your letter too. I'm thinking this may be a good option for myself.
I'm really impressed by how well you are doing already, congratulaions and well done.
I have just sent a letter explaining my situation and I have attached my CV and Business Card. I have sent to 5 different accountants around bristol area. Maybe I should do some more letters, not sure if that would be enough.
I would send a letter to all accountants in your area.
I have just recently sent out 90 letters and had 6 responses, Ive spoken to two so far and arranged to meet up to discuss possible work, the rest have placed me on file.
When I first started, about a year ago now ! I sent 90 letters out to the same accountants and had no response at all. I sent the same letter, just shows you need to keep at it !
I too am new to the forum and looking to start working part time from home.
Julie would it be possible to have a copy of the letter you sent out, Im really not sure how to word it, That would be great.
Also I have come acrossed a website that do business card and postcard size card which are ideal for shop windows, they do small orders of 50 which I liked. They have lots of templates to play around with.
Just write out a letter of introduction, saying new bookkeeper in the area, would welcome the opportunity to provide the following services to your clients, briefly outline what you can offer, what bookkeeping experience / qualifications you have. Keep it short, to the point and finish with what qualities you have to offer ie; reliable, efficient, professional etc.,
Business cards, I found it better to call into my local printers and ask their advice, it they are good, they will help you design it
Vista Print do 250 Free business cards, you just pay the postage. Have a look, it is used as a loss leader, in the hope you go back for others and additional marketing items. The local Business Gateway seminar last night on New Business Start-Ups gave us some really good info, this was one.
What do people think of when they receive one of these cards from Vistaprint?
On the back of the cards they have printed across the middle that thay are printed free by Vistaprint. I received one the other day from someone offering to deliver leaflets for local businesses. I just don't think free cards send out a professional image. What are other people's opinions? Is it just me? The cards themselves look decent enough - it's just the bit on the back about them being free. The person (business) also had a hotmail email address so that really put me off.
-- Edited by Peasie on Tuesday 9th of March 2010 07:18:39 PM
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I get my cards from Vistaprint and mine dont have anything on the back saying Vistarint ?! Mind you I have used them for a while now so I dont know if that makes any difference or not.
Are you paying for them or do you get the free ones? It was the fact they are pointing out the cards were being printed free that doesn't come across as professional.
I was going to use them myself until I received one of these cards. It wouldn't have bothered the person I first received them from as he was only advertising his hobby of selling and producing Scottish non-league football publications.
But I received one the other week for a business and it didn't come across as being too professional. Maybe it's just me.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I have always thought that the vistaprint free cards always show off the wrong image. These days business cards do not cost a lot to have printed properly so why should you pay nothing and give out the totally wrong impression of your company.
I use www.goodprint.co.uk and have always found them helpful, reliable and good quality cards
think that everyone's missing the point about vistaprint.
You get cards for the cost of postage... Sort of. Looking at the prices I suspect that some of the basic cost is incorporated in the postage costs. And there are so many neccessary add ons (such as uploading the ICB logo) that the price soon racks up for the free cards.
But, regardless of this, let's call them cheap business cards. So even if not free one still thinks that they are getting a bargain.
In signing up you agree that your name, address, telephone number, email, etc. will be available to selected third parties.
What that means decoded is that your name will be on a mailing list of confirmed purchasers that can and will be sold on to other companies.
And as icing on the cake, every card that one believes is free has free advertising for them on the card.
Vista print are not a charity. This isn't a loss leader. It's a profitable business and they are very, very good at it.
I'm not saying that Vistaprint are not good. I'm just saying that free is not really free and you might be as well spending £40 to help keep your local print shop in business. After all, the local businesses are our clients and if they weren't there we wouldn't need business cards!
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Apparently the whole card is editable and the Vistaprint strap line can be removed at the design stage. At the moment there is an offer to download your own logo F.O.C. I understand that there is normally a charge
If you wait for normal delivery it only costs about £3.50 (postage) for 250