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Post Info TOPIC: Bookkeeping qualifications and training providers


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Bookkeeping qualifications and training providers
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Hi, I am new to the forum.  My plan is to start my own bookkkeeping business towards the middle of next year. 
I have studied the subject to some extent having passed Unit 5 Financial Accounting on the AAT Advanced Cert.  I have spent quite a while plodding through AAT, but because of a possible career change looming next summer I thought I would leave that and qualify as a certified Bookkeeper in the intervening months.
My strategy at the moment is to do ICB level 1 and 2 manual from the textbook and then find a course to do levels 2 & 3 computerised.  I would appreciate any views on how sensible, or not, that appears to be.
Also I am looking for decent and cost-effective training provider that offers L2+3 computerised; recommendations from people who have studied both of these would be really welcome.





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Hi Peter

Welcome to the forum.

Have you spoken to anyone at ICB regarding exemption for levels I & II, as you are at advanced level with the AAT. They may allow direct membership if the qualifications are equivilant and less than 2 years old.

I can recommend Ideal Schools as a cost effective training provider and you may be able to negotiate multiple course discounts.






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Thanks Bill that is very helpful. I am only about halfway through Adv Cert with AAT, and not being in an accounting role I need to refresh my double entry knowledge anyway.

I may decide to work through the ICB L1 & 2 text then just do the L1 exam, after which I may go straight onto L2 & 3 computerised.

Are there any negatives, in your opinion, for choosing that route to full membership? I suspect most clients would expect a computerised bookkeeping service anyway.


-- Edited by Peterm on Wednesday 11th of November 2009 07:36:13 PM



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Sounds like a pretty organized plan. I am a CPA here in my country and plans to migrate to AUS this mid 2010 and will take the chartered accountant certification. I know its a long shot but accounting and bookkeeping has been my passion eversince.



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Thanks Ramirez, good luck with the move to Aus.

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