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Post Info TOPIC: ICB New Membership Structure

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ICB New Membership Structure
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I was just wondering if the new membership structure the ICB has got will be affecting anyone here? The article is here

I've only got the computerised qualifications so am going to have to be doing the manual, ah! It says on there though that it will be at a centre, on a computer and the same as a theory test, so perhaps not too scary. 


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It doesn't say where the centres are only that they have 150 across the country.

It effects me and as yet I haven't decided what to do!!! Can't help thinking that things will change again further down the line and the expense is adding up.



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Thanks for that. Seems like they've added a conclusion to the stream on here

The arrogance of the ICB astounds me. Perhaps if there were job ads out there recognising ICB qualifications then they might have reason for such arrogance.

Love their line :

If you have time to get your hair done at least once this year, you have time to become better at what you do professionally.

Who the hell do they think that they're talking to!!!

The line in the press release about accountancy qualifications relates to the fact that they do not recognise ACCA. In their response to me they also quoted AAT in their dire tribe about only 32% of people with other qualifications passing the ICB membership exams.

Load of ballony! Personally I did no revision and from using only ACCA materials scored 99%.

I don't mind taking exams. Rather enjoy the challenge in fact. But there is no way that I'm giving the ICB one penny to prove that the ACCA exams are better than theirs and that they should have just given exemptions.

There are many examples in history of those who should not have been arrogant about their position falling foul of their ill perceived view of themselves. And as always, those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.

Anyway, the ICB are not the only supervisory body in town for bookkeepers in practice, so I'm voting with my feet and have already been accepted by the IAB who do recognise the ACCA qualification.

I'm also impressed that the IAB website is designed on the assumption that people will still be with them after they've passed their exams rather than the ICB's that seems almost totally geared towards students.

Right, enough being Mr. Angry for one Sunday afternoon. Thanks for the link. It just reminds me of why I'm leaving them!




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Hi Shaun,

I was actually looking over the IAB website last night as i'm perplexed by the level of stupidity amongst the ICB. There are many people still wishing to pursue a career in bookkeeping and if i'm ever asked for a governing body recommendation i never say the ICB.

Now i think that's disappointing seen as i'm a member but i'm with you; i'll be voting with my feet as the ICB just seem hell bent on generating more money and being commercially viable.

So i'll be off to the IAB or AAT.

Kind Regards




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I'm currently a student member with the IAB taking the Level III exam on Wednesday (went straight in at that due to experience). Glad I chose IAB rather than ICB.


Advice from beyond the grave!!!


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Hi Neil,

if your torn I would go AAT as that's a really well respected qualification.

That's no detriment to the IAB but with AAT you see job ads asking for AAT qualified where you never see that with ICB or IAB.

And of course for the self employed route there's always MAAT MIP so all options covered there.

My main one is ACCA with ICB (currently) for MLR cover until I've got two years post qualification in order to get my ACCA practicing certificate.

However, due to the current silly games that the ICB are playing with members practices and there condescending attitude towards it's members there's no way that I'm giving the ICB another penny of my money so it's off to te IAB for MLR cover for me.

I did toy with AAT myself but even coming in at technician level it would be nearly £1000 to get through and I would still need a year after joining in practice in order to get MAAT status whereas with the IAB I can go straight in at Fellow level.

I think that the real winner in all of this will be the IAB. If their professionalism with everyone is similar to that shown to me when I spoke with them then ICB's days of wearing the crown may be numbered.

Talk later,




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Hi Sheila,

You might have guessed already but I think that you made the right decision as well.




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Hi Rachel

I was wondering where the centers were too and if it's just multiple choice like the theory test. Tried emailing the ICB but the email bounced back because their inbox is full! Sounds like if we don't take the exam we are out!

Shaun with the IAB is it a case of having taken the Level I in basic bookkeeping & II in computerised that they will then mean nothing and I would have to pay to take the exams with them? I agree about the ICB though, I've had many snobby and unhelpful emails from them in the past.


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After looking at the article in ICB's website, hopfully, I wont have to do anything as I have got MICB CB Dip status. I really really hope I dont have to do any more exams !!

-- Edited by Flex Accounting Services on Sunday 7th of March 2010 09:35:25 PM

Beverley Flanagan MICB, CB Dip, PM Dip.

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Hi Beverley, have you taken level II or higher in both manual and computerised?


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Hiya, yes I've qualified in all ICB's exams on all 3 stages including the level 3 self assessment tax returns, so I dont think I have to do anythign else

Beverley Flanagan MICB, CB Dip, PM Dip.

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Nope you'll be ok then :) well done!


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Contacted the ICB today and they said that the test centers are located here . They also said that the manual test will just have afew multiple choice questions but there will also be other formats but as yet they haven't actually created the exam!


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Wouldn't touch ICB. Have been a bookkeeper for years and as far as I can see they are a money grabbing organisation. If any bookkeeper thinks they should be a member of a professional body and think that the yearly subscriptions are worth it then I rate IAB as the real bookkeepers professional organisation.



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I've just contacted the IAB to see if they will accept me with the qualifications I gained with the ICB. So will see what they say.  I agree with what you said about them being money grabbing Steve, very true! I find Sage to be like that too

-- Edited by Suffolker on Monday 8th of March 2010 05:12:27 PM

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