After putting myself through a bookkeeping course am I able to use this as an expense through my business?? I have a soft furnishing business at present and started a bookkeeping course in April 2009 and have now decided to become a bookkeeper and eventually close my other business down, but can I put the cost through as an expense in my 2009-2010 accounts?? I am paying for the course over 24 months so for 2009 - 2010 there is a cost of appox. £650.00
However, now that you have setup a bookkeeping business all future courses related to that business including CPD are legitimate expenses of the business.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Not good then!! but could it not be used as a capital expense i.e personal money spent to start a new business?? I have since done a payroll course so atleast I can claim that!!