I would be very grateful if someone could confirm this for me as i've got myself a little muddled.
My husband has his own business - he and his partner (LLP) each have a van owned by the business. The company pays for all the fuel via a fuelcard.
If there is no private mileage is this ok? Are they still required to keep mileage records by the HMRC?
If there is private mileage then how do we do it? Do they have to keep mileage records and pay back the private mileage? What rates do they use? Is it 40p then over 10k miles 25p?
Thank you in advance!!
Life's a piece of sh*t, When you look at it. Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true. You'll see it's all a show. Keep 'em laughing as you go. Just remember that the last laugh is on you. And... Always look on the bright side of life.