I did a search on the forum and read a few of the previous topics for Bookcert, most of which look favourably on the package, but none seem recent, so thought I would get an up-to-date prospective from the collective !
I have ICB Lev 1, Lev 2 Comp and will be sitting Lev 2 Manual next week, so the bookkeeping knowledge is there. Looking to start up shortly working from home doing bookkeeping, so looking at options that will help. The local Business Gateway have been great, but any thoughts on Bookcert would be much appreciated.
That practice certificate isn't so far away now! Good luck with the exam next week, Sure that you'll be fine but remember to revise refunds and make sure that you can handle VAT properly. The calculation to memorise for determining the VAT inherent in a figure is (at 17.5%) multiply by 7 divide to 47.
From all reports Bookcert is an excellent starter package with just about everything that you need right out of the box to get you started.
Unfortunately it's the sort of thing that once you've got some experience your not going to get the full benefit from which makes it expensive.
Also, the web design that comes with it may not be needed (there have been several debates on here about the merit of a website. For some it works for others it doesn't) but then there is an option to purchase the pack at a reduced rate without the website.
If you were considering a franchise option because you needed help getting started then this is a much cheaper alternative.
It won' t tell you everything but then if it did there would be little reason for us on here to give so much practice advice.
I think that if you are looking for a "get me started quick" solution in a box then this is the one to go for.
I do not have it myself and my views are based only on having almost bought it when I first started and views expressed by others on this site.
For info, the only reason that I didn't buy it was because I felt that the experience that I already had probably rendered the majority of the pack superfluous to requirements. However, if I had not had previous experience I think that it would have been a sound investment.
These are just my personal opinions but hope that they help.
Kind regards,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
BookCert is split into two parts. The first deals with basic bookkeeping. To be honest this is extremely simple stuff and I think having got to ICB level 2 it wont be of much interest to you.
Part two is more interesting. It deals with the practicalities of setting up a business. It looks at a lot of the basic stuff like coming up with a name, marketing, thoughts about setting up an office, finding clients etc. I think for me it was more a confidence builder allowing me to confirm what I already thought. It is a good tool for focusing the mind.
The other good thing with it is that it shows (albeit in a basic form) the actual information you would want to provide small business owners which is something I don't think I really got from ICB.
I don't believe that having read and completed the exercises within bookcert you are in a position to offer a bookkeeping service. Although neither do I think that having only completed ICB are you in that position either. Both provide their own slant and compliment the other.
It really comes down to how confident you are about the practicalities and technicalities of starting and running your own practise.
Personally, and this is only a personal view, I wouldn't use the website that comes with the package. This is not because it is poorly designed, because I don't necessarily think it is. It's because it's too common now. I am a great believer in business that you need to do things differently from your competition, you need to stand out. And having the same website as 20 or 30 or more other bookkeepers you wont achieve that.
I can't say much about the support as I bought my pack second hand on here, so didn't get the support. The bonus for me was that I bought the pack, looked through it, took on board the useful stuff then sold it. It really meant that I only paid about £10 for it. At that price can you say no?
In terms of support, I get all I need here. This is a great community to bounce ideas around and these don't need to be just be about the mechanics of bookkeeping, most of my posts are about managing my practice and I get loads of great advice.
I know I've went on a bit, but I hope you find this helpful.
The views expressed in this post are my own personal (HRA protected) views, and are not representative of any organisation I have any involvement with.
Thanks guys,, as always the feedback is imeasurable :).
Will do a bit more homework with it and then decide. I have ran offices, with full p&l, sales, buying, hiring responsibilities for many yrs, but someone else was responsible for the actual accounts/bookkeeping etc, and the companies where not my own. Isn't it an eye opener when you decide, right, this will all be mine, now where do I start !
Again, thx for taking the time to reply, and Kris if the Mr Site web site I have been fiddling with (a xmas present!) doesn't feel or look right I will give you a shout.