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Post Info TOPIC: Business Receipts


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Business Receipts
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Hi All,

I'm a newby here, so please be gentle, Hi to you all and I hope I can help others with queries over time as I hope you guys will help me too.

My first query on here is....

I have started using Sage Accounts for a client.  They started with it, but didn't get the time to do the basics, so basically handed the whole lot over to me, but they are insistent on keeping everything in Sage.  Anyway, most things are ok, albeit, I am not a fan of Sage, but I am having trouble trying to figure out receipts that the business owner has taken out of takings and staff wages taken out of takings before depositing the takings in the bank.

So basically, when cashing up, the owner is taking out staff wages and then any receipts for that day before totalling.  The remaining cash is then deposited into the bank at earliest convenience.

Any help would be appreciated.




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Hi and welcome to the forum, we are a nice bunch!!

I take it that this is a cash business.

Not quite sure where you are at, but if you have a cash account in the bank section, then all takings can be posted there, then any payments made can be paid from that account and any bankings can be transfered to the bank account using the transfer option on Sage.




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Hi and thanks,

Yes, it's a Cafe and takings are 90% cash, with other 10% by PDQ which is a breeze.  The cash is tallied up at the end of the day, then any staff wages are taken out and receipts are taken out before leaving a total to be deposited in the bank.

I'll give your suggestion a go as it sounds quite straight forward and common sense lol, just not liking Sage much, but we all have to do what we have to do lol.




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When are the wages paid out? Are they all PAYE?

I have dealt with many cafes and all were a nightmare! None were on any system, I was given a bag at the appropriate time and that was it. Sometimes I did get till rolls, lol.

Sage is easy to use and a good system, its just getting used to it!




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Thanks, you instill me with such confidence, it's the first client of mine after setting up on my own, previous experience has all been set accounts and basically run of the mill stuff on in house systems, so this is new, but good.

Umm, system, yeah, nothing. Bag of receipts, well I have a "Box of Doom" I made sure got put in the place as receipts, invoices etc were going walkies. Till rolls, till is knackered to say the least and only just records current transactions, I have yet to see a 'Z' report tally up or the till roll actually make sense. I have tried my best to make sure all invoices, receipts, paperwork (told them, anything with numbers on) go into the "Box of Doom".

There is one employee who is on PAYE and I work that all out so that the owner knows what to pay the employee and what to pay HMRC too. The other staff are students who's hours are recorded, monitored and I believe we have to complete the p38s form for when they finish. These are the guys that are being paid from Daily Takings.

Sage seems fine, just need to get used to it.



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Watch students, as I believe if they work outside holiday periods, then they should be classed as normal employees on the payroll.

You should have a P38 already signed by the student and then when they leave, the employer then completes it with the earnings.

Other than that, enjoy your client. Its a good learning curve when they have incomplete records.




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Yeah, I am getting that feeling. My biggest challenge is trying to keep a track of flying papers and disappearing forms. P38 forms are in process, but I really do have to hunt them down when people move around lol.

Thanks, onwards and upwards, if I can crack this Cafe, I can do many more other more organised clients, lol.



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I have a client who runs a burger van and is much the same as your client except he doesn't employ any staff.
He keeps all of the money after everything has been paid for .
I changed 1230 petty cash account and done the sales and payments in here and any money left at the end i do a journal to drawings .



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I've done the same with a client as a volunteer and what P says is the best way, set up a cash account, payments out for your wages and any purchases, z readings for payments in and transfer your cash banked to the current account or business account that should by rights leave your float.

Casual labour or your students just need to sign a form as long as they earn under the threshold which I can't remember but is around £90 a week and can be credited from your account directly to your wages expense without faffing with journals.

Your float never works out right, but as long as its close you'll be fine, either the owner owes the till a few quid or the till owes the owner a few quid, biggrin

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