Hello All - I was so excited to find this forum, and I know that you won't all think that I am sad! I run a very small payroll and book keeping service for a handful of clients and quite often need someone to bounce a question off........so here's my first one!
I saw a new client today who is using Dosh Cashbook. After fiddling around with it for a bit I have got the basics licked but wondered if there was a secret button for calculating the VAT, (like the F9 button in Sage) in the payments and receipts data entry section?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Will be suggesting an update in software asap to Mr Client!
We won't think your sad, its a pre-requisite to be mad in the first place to post on here! In relation to the Dosh software, I'm sorry I can't help as I've never even heard of it....but I'm sure someone will have.
It seems that the Dosh software was a freebie from his bank (Lloyds) 13 years ago when he started his business. Oh well, only a couple of months of back dated entries to do then he can go on to Sage.
Thanks anyway everyone. I'm sure I'll be back soon with more cries for help!