Hi Guys A question to ask of those who have done the ICB Level 1 exam, I do know its an online exam and it takes two hours, is this plenty of time to do the exam and check all of your answers. I am old school and still used to doing paper based exams. Many thanks.
Hi, They do give you two hours and i think that is more than enough time to do it.I found it easier than the course work but that meant i didnt pay as much attention to the question:( Take your time and revise your answers-and u cant go wrong!Good luck !
The 2 hours is more than enough time to do the test. I did my Level 2 recently and I had time to double check, and triple check my answers and still had time to spare.
You've got a lot of choices in your life. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice.