I have Quickbooks 2008 Pro and was thinking of upgrading for a new client but from what I can see it appears that 2010 Pro and 2012 Pro do not include budgets and cash flow but these are now on Premier. Can anyone who has 2010 please confirm this for me.
I have 2010 Pro and it does include budgets and cash flow forecast reports. Having never used them myself I couldn't tell you how they worked, but they are definitely included.
Thanks Pauline, I have used budgets but not cash flow but I'm sure I'll find out how it works. It just seems that the program will be well suited to this client. So it looks like 2010 Pro should be OK don't know whether I can wait till Dec 1st for 2012 and it may have bugs.
My client hasn't received her copy of 2012 yet, but we'll probably have to upgrade it as we use payroll as well. On the other hand I may try and persuade her to use Moneysoft for payroll instead.
Quickbooks is expensive if you use it for payroll. When I last looked it is an expensive monthly payments model once you want payroll, and a much better deal for the accounts side.
We've just added a QB nominal export option to 12Pay, but as yet we haven't had any feedback from QB users as to whether it works properly or not. It builds an IFF file.
Oooo I'll have to look into that Tom as I'm going to use 12Pay for their payroll - they currently use HMRC Basic PAYE Tools but they have someone going on Maternity leave and I don't know how to do it on the Basic PAYE tools. It will be great to be able to export direct to QB.
Pauline it says on the web that 2012 is available for pre-order for 1st December.
You'll probably need an explanation of how to set it up.
Basically you have to type the QB account description against each payment code that you're using in 12Pay (this is because QB doesn't seem to deal with account codes). You do this on the "Advanced" tab of each payment code and obviously you only have to do this once when you're first setting the system up, or whenever you add a new payment code.
Then the nominal summary report should look appropriate for QB, and you can export it as a QB IFF.
-- Edited by Tom McClelland on Friday 4th of November 2011 07:17:17 PM
Thanks. You can set account codes for QB if you want but I don't think people ever do, I'll give it a try with the next payroll and if I get stuck I'll post on the 12 Pay forum for support!!!!
semsley wrote: Pauline it says on the web that 2012 is available for pre-order for 1st December.
Hi Sheila,
She doesn't have to pre-order it as she gets it sent to her automatically. One of the benefits of the rather expensive monthly cost I suppose (at present £62.00 + VAT).
Wow you can buy a new 2012 for £193 something and the 2010 is now discounted to 147.97.
The lowest I saw QB 2010 go down to on Amazon was £109 (and that wasn't many weeks ago). Seems to spend most of it's time at around the £121 to £127 mark but has just shot up to £149 probably due to people grabbing it whilst they stull can.
I keep it in my watch list just in case it ever has a silly day where it plummets for a day or so. I've picked up some real bargains that way... Currently there are 115 items in my watch list which are mostly accountancy books but with the occassional DVD or bit of software.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
you just find the things that you want / need, add them to your basket then go through your basket changing them all to save for later.
After that every time that you go to your basket (which I've nomally got on a tab then just hit F5 to refresh every so often) it gives you a list of items where the price has changed.
As mentioned previously, at times the changes can be quite dramatic. The example that springs to mind was Sage Training course that should have been £137 came down to £25, then to £38, then to £50, then £99 then back to £45 all within about two days (it's now been settled at around £75 for the last few months)... Of course, the downside is that once you've seen the price that something will go down to you feel adverse to ever paying more than that even if it never comes back down to that price again and it's something that you need. In the above example £38 was still a bargain but I lost out on also buying levels I and II as I was adverse to going beyond the £25 that I had paid for level III.
Actually, maybe the above one was a bit of an exceptional one as I even ended up posting the news of that price drop on the site (see this thread : http://www.book-keepers.org.uk/t33928279/quick-quick-to-amazon-now/www.bookcert.com).
For anyone else reading this if you see some exceptional genuine bargain then by all means please post on here as non of us can keep an eye on all of the useful bookkeeping / accountancy related things that Amazon sell.... If you do though, don't forget to get your purchase in first as Amazon prices are based on stock levels and length of time things sit on their shelves. Any movement see's the price rise.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.