I know this is very subjective, but what is the best bookkeeping package out there ? I have been using MYOB and got used to it, but we need to change in 2012. Ideally we would like to move to a package that we can put our stock on. Thanks anyone.
Hello. Xero is brilliant. We are Certified Advisors and our clients love it as do we. It is an online cloud based product. So easy to use and allows you to offer a great service to your clients. Highly recommend you check it out. Www.xero.com.
Hi there - it really does depend on your business requirements. There are many great products on the market - your starting point is what do you want from your bookeeping software and then match an appropriate product in the industry to your requirements. Try out our business software comparison site - we have a variety of products you can evaluate that may help you make the right choice
As Louise says it depends on what is the best for the individual client. I like Sage but it is not appropriate for clients who don't have a clue about double entry, Quickbooks is more user friendly and easier for them to understand. As for 'cloud' programs some clients don't like to think of their accounts being in cyberspace and the monthly cost as opposed to a one off can be a problem.