You may find your old version will not work on your laptop unless its an old laptop.
I recently replaced my laptop and PC, and found I could no longer use most older versions of a lot of software I had. You can download the VT cash (Free) and use it with the files you used the old version with.
to be honest VT Cashbook is too basic to use for anything other than basic record keeping.
You really need at least VT Transaction+ to be producing limited company accounts.
Why not download the VT Accounts trial to your new machine. Its the full functioning multi company software and comes complete with VT Transaction+ and VT Cashbook. All yours to use for 60 days before purchasing the licence. (p.s. you need to have Excel installed to use VT Accounts but not either of the other two products).
here's a handy link to the VT Accounts download page.
Kind regards,
P.S. Welcome to the forum.
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