I am using Sage Instant Accounts Plus V15 and originally set up with the company registered for VAT
I have now de-registered (will be effective from 1st Jan 2012) but cannot find a way of telling the sage software that I no longer charge VAT.
Does this mean that I will need to start a 'new' company on Sage which is not VAT registered and then add opening balances, customer, supplier, stock records etc all over again.
I hope this is not the case but the VAT registration option seems to be part of the company set up wizard and connot be changed later.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Firstly you must ofcourse ensure the VAT return is completed for the final quarter. Once completed you will need to untick the VAT details in company preferences. Then set all customers/suppliers/ products etc. default to T9 and stop using all other codes.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900