Hello All Wise and Wonderful People on here! I use several versions of Sage Instant Accounts, and they all seem to group items togther when I've been entering a lot of Bank Payments. It makes any deletions or corrections hard to do, and reconciling the bank account is a real pain. I'm sure there is a setting in there somewhere to switch it off - does anyone know where it is please? Thanks in advance.
In sage if you use the same reference, i.e BACS in all your bank payments with the same date then they will group together.
So I do a payment run for the month and when I come to enter the payments, as they are all on the same day and by the same method I would start the first payment reference BACS, then BACS1, BACS2 and so forth and so on, this then splits them for the reconciliation. Inversely if I pay a group of say 10 cheques in, I would put all ten cheques through on the same day with the reference CHQ on all of them, this then groups them in the reconciliation the same as on the bank statement.
Thanks for both replies. I'll try Mark's method first, I'm sure I've managed to switch it off on another clients copy of Sage, but I just couldn't remember how to do it. Thanks again.