Just spent rather too long trying to complete my reconciliation - with no success. £220 difference, couldn't find it anywhere, getting to the tearing hair out stage. Finally realised that the problem was with the last reconciled balance figure, which within the reconciliation function is being given as -£8774.89.
Unfortunately, the last time I reconciled, the closing balance was -£8994.89, as proved by the reconciliation statement I have printed off. Also, if I go into the bank account record, in the reconciliation box it also gives the last reconciled balance as -£8994.89.
So how on earth is this happening? And how can I stop it / change it? I have tried discarding the reconciliation and starting again, but no good.
Would really appreciate any help anyone can give, preferably before I throw my computer against the wall in frustration!
If your last reconciled balance is different it means that you have changed something in the previous month after you did the reconciliation. I would suggest printing off the saved bank rec/statement from last month and then printing off the nominal activity report for your bank account for last month and ticking off the transactions....maybe/hopefully something will come to light. Of course it's possible that it's not in that month but any previous month, so if the difference isn't standing out then I'm afraid it's a question of being methodical
I assume you've looked to see if there is a specific transaction for £220?
Thank you both for your help. Never again will I believe a client who tells me that they only looked at the information on Sage!
I took Pauline's advice and went methodically through all the payments, and did indeed find one that had been deleted after it had been reconciled - not by me!! My client thought it was wrong as she "didn't think she paid that many dd's to British Gas" - unfortunately when you have 4 different sites and B Gas supply your gas & electric to all of them, yes you do. I'm not allowing her near Sage again.
Thank you again - I should have realised what must have happened, but had got so wound up with it, I was ready to scream.
Thanks, Helen
-- Edited by Helz on Friday 3rd of February 2012 07:45:26 PM