If any money has been removed for proprietors own use ensure that such is debited to the relevant account (drawings for the self employed, DLA for directors).
If the person banking the money is not the proprietor you need to raise the issue with the proprietor, not the person taking the money to ensure that the deduction was pre agreed.
Although this points towards fraud it may not be. Clients taking small amounts for their own use is quite common and, as you realise, we just need to ensure that everything is properly recorded and, if at all possible we need to coax them away from the habbit of treating business funds as their own and rather get them to handle payments to themselves properly.
kind regards,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
When you say the business is a football club - is this football club a limited company? What level of football does it play at? (Irrelevant in a bookkeeping perspective but relevant to get the reality of the situation). I was a few years ago treasurer of a semi professional football club and I would find it hard to believe that EVERYTHING was cashed and they didn't keep some cash back for miscellaneous expenses over the close season.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I've spoken to the business owner and he's doubly made sure that theres no cash at hand.
if the cash does fall short, what would you suggest?(he is a partner) just post it as Drawings if he cant recall?
Peasie - in that situation, where EVERYTHING isnt cashed and money is given out here, there and everywhere from cash in from sponsors then given out to building contracters etc.... if the owners cant recall or dont hold on to the receipts/invoices...what do you do?