I don't know where you can see all the membership details - I don't use their website (forum) as much now as it's so slow it's pointless trying. The difference comes when you could choose either the computerised route or the manual route and these were reflected in the letters after your name. After a certain date you had to pass both parts (manual and computerised).
I have passed level III manual and computerised (as well as the Payroll) so could if I wanted use MICB CB Dip PM Dip - but as the CB Dip will be being dropped at some point I just had my cards printed with MICB PM Dip.
In your own situation, you will need to pay an upgrade fee or extend your membership for another year and then you can use MICB PM Dip.
EDIT : Congratulations on passing the exams.
-- Edited by Peasie on Sunday 24th of June 2012 02:03:14 PM
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I have just passed my ICB Level 3 Maunual and Computerised Bookkeeping Exams. My current membership status is AICB.Cert.PM Dip, I just wondered if anyone could tell me where I can see all the diffferent types of membership, I have seem some members who are MICB.Cert and MICB.Comp, I just wondered what is the difference. I have searched the ICB website for all the different memberships, but I can't find any listings.
would it have mattered if you had put CB Dip on your cards?
The fact is that you passed it so regardless as to whether the ICB withdraw the letters at a later stage they would I presume still stand.
I'm thinking here along the lines of the OU that regularly withdraw qualifications but you can still use the designated letter even though the qualification is dead,
As an aside, I've found that clients look at the letters but have absolutely no idea what they mean. The more letters you have the more impressive you seem regardless as to what those letters are.
P.S. Congratulations from me too Remmington
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
would it have mattered if you had put CB Dip on your cards?
No - it wouldn't have mattered. In fact, it was the other way about. I asked the ICB if it was OK to drop the letters now seeing as they would be dropping it in the future.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I'm glad it's not just me who has found the ICB forum unbearably slow. Like you, Peasie, I've all but abandoned it. Ironically I've only noticed this since the recent 'upgrade'.
Thanks very much for your clarification, much appreciated. I have also found the ICB website is very slow, some of the topics don't seem to change much from week to week.
I have just passed my ICB Level 3 Maunual and Computerised Bookkeeping Exams. My current membership status is AICB.Cert.PM Dip, I just wondered if anyone could tell me where I can see all the diffferent types of membership, I have seem some members who are MICB.Cert and MICB.Comp, I just wondered what is the difference. I have searched the ICB website for all the different memberships, but I can't find any listings.
Thank you
Hi Remington
I also had a hard time finding all the different types of membership. I landed up collating what I found under membership by examination & a discussion on the forum with regards to what you can do with each qualification.