Why is it that I never fail to be astonished when presented with work from some people in our profession. I do use the term profession very loosly in some cases.
I sometimes get tothe point where I wonder if it's just me thats gone mad and the rest of the world is looking at me and wondering.
I've picked up some information today for one of my newest clients from their previous bookkeeper. On first glance my eye was drawn to a particularly large figure for 'use of home as office'. I know this client lives in a 3 bed semi and not a mansion. I also know that he uses 1 room for a couple of hours a day to do some paperwork. On speaking to the client I discovered that this figure was his mortgage for the year to day. The whole mortgage (both capital and interest payments).
His whole gas bills and electricity bills are there too.
Next I see a liability for NI, but wait a minute, he doesn't have any employees. The figure looks familiar. About £2.65 per week for the year to date.
In just 3 months the profit is overstated to the tune of £2k.
nope, your not mad. We've got a little group of (relatively) sane and very competent bookkeepers on here so methinks you've been lulled into thinking that all bookkeepers are like those on this site.
There are so many out there who have either set up in this business without any real training on the back of some internet advice from people who have never been anywhere near bookkeeping but continue to tell people that there is unlimited work paying £25+ per hour. Or, there are the people who have only trained in Sage and think that is all that they ever need to know.
I think that we see it on here an awful lot where people query how quickly and cheaply can I be trained as a bookkeeper on the assumption that the learning is a one off excercise and then they'll have a good steady income forever.
The question should really be "Have I got what it takes to be a bookkeeper".
As for how clients get themselves into the mess that they do, I've found that clients see only the charge rate and assume that all bookkeepers are equal so a bookkeeper half my price must be bargain, right!!!!
Also, when we give clients bad news they invariably compare that to the "better" advice that they have previously receieved... Similar to the situations that you've hit although I've not yet had one who put their entire mortgage off against the company.
Have you broken the good news about their financial affairs to your client yet?
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I think you're right Shaun, being on here with such a sound group you get a bit complacent and start to forget about the world of the idiots beyond.
The interesting thing here is that this bookkeeper was charging a crazy amount. Much more than I quoted the client. Having said that, the bookkeeper has a high street shop which I don't have, and staff which again I don't have. Oh, and uses Sage which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.
I've not touched on it with the client yet, I want to examine the full extent of the mistakes first. This is only their second year trading so the damage is not too bad. Last year he made a big loss, so even taking the mistakes into account it was still a loss. The bookkeeper didn't seem happy to give me a copy of the last self assessment, so I hope the client has a copy.
You can ask HMRC for a copy of previous self-assessment tax returns, if the previous bookkeeper won't give you a copy, and the clients hasn't got a copy... They will also supply copies of the computations (if there were any), if you ask. (Just allow a some time for the request to work it's way through the HMRC's internal systems)
Sometimes I wonder why I got qualified... I should have just bought a calculater and overcharged!
I've come across a few "professionals" who don't understand that to be a good bookkeeper you have to know what should go on the books and what shouldn't... they just think they can input anything and everything!
Please correct me if I'm wrong... I am only human sucking up knowledge... Sometimes bits leak out!
Fundamental errors from a previous bookkeeper has put our new client in a position where they have to repay £70k back to the vatman.. that and having to re submit 2 years of accounts and tax returns due to major errors (missing out on over £80k capital allowances.)
Oh and the best thing.... They won't help explain what they did....
Lesson learned from them that a bad bookkeeper really does cost you... They were not cheap either! Just really really bad.
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I've always avoided commenting on here and I know the forum is here for all sorts of people to ask questions about things they don't understand but just sometimes I despair at the questions being asked by people who are obviously already working as a bookkeeper or who think its easy and they can learn in 5 minutes. My predecessor at a clients nearly took them under with some of the things she did. She was "finance manager" and dealt with all aspects of the business. Our insurance premium this year is £12k less than last as the rebuild costs she declared were £4 million pounds more than they should have been. The directors car was nearly repossessed on the day he was leaving for 4 weeks in Oz because she ignored some legal documents to reassign a lease because she didn't understand them. She eventually resigned but is now trying for constructive dismissal !!!
I've always avoided commenting on here and I know the forum is here for all sorts of people to ask questions about things they don't understand but just sometimes I despair at the questions being asked by people who are obviously already working as a bookkeeper or who think its easy and they can learn in 5 minutes. My predecessor at a clients nearly took them under with some of the things she did. She was "finance manager" and dealt with all aspects of the business. Our insurance premium this year is £12k less than last as the rebuild costs she declared were £4 million pounds more than they should have been. The directors car was nearly repossessed on the day he was leaving for 4 weeks in Oz because she ignored some legal documents to reassign a lease because she didn't understand them. She eventually resigned but is now trying for constructive dismissal !!!
I take your point Nick, I think I was just really shocked. Part of me thought maybe they've put everything in and were going to sort it with a few journals at the year end, but the problem with that is that for the year the business owner thinks he's made a smaller profit than he actually has.