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Post Info TOPIC: "Time out" - I'm getting very slow responses, moving through the Forum website

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"Time out" - I'm getting very slow responses, moving through the Forum website
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A minor rant about a seemingly small thing which is really knocking my enjoyment of using this forum. Has anyone else got this problem?

Ever since the acreage of animated advertising was increased at the top and bottom of the Forum web pages, I'm finding significant delays in moving from one view to another, slowing up the whole process. It happens whenever I'm moving up or down in a discussion thread or moving around the forum.

I find my browser freezes for several seconds every time, every single time, while it waits to render the animated advertisement panels as they load their flashy twirly stuff (which drives you bananas after a minute or so. I mean - how many times do your eyes need to be drawn to special offers or program feature you have read many, many, many times before? It's a complete turn off and so 1990s.)

My computer is not particularly slow, has no memory problems and my browsers are the latest versions, so I'm convinced these problems are a direct consequence of the last "revamp" of the website ads. Which is a shame.

Can the ads not be left on the Home page, where they might better belong, and this forum be optimised for efficient use by we bookkeepers?

Rant over - but I am noticing that I come here far less often because of this problem. And when adverts drive away the punters, something is definitely wrong.



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No problems here I'm afraid Andrew and I access the site on 5 different PC's of varying ages, location and spec.
Hope it gets sorted.


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No problems here either. I access the forum from 2 different machines and an iphone and the site works fine on all of them.




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Hi Andrew,

Many thanks for your post and for informing us of the situation.

I am sorry to hear you are finding the forum slow to load. I have asked the BKN Technical Team to look into this issue for you.

If I can be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me direct at 

Kind regards,


Steven Hillman ACCA
BKN Managing Director 


Steven Hillman FCA

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As with Tim and Steve, no problems from me either.

Sounds as though you may be having a memory problem.

How much dedicated memory do you have and what else might be chewing it up?

Could also be your browser. If you're still using Internet Explorer try moving to Firefox.

Could be one of your memory chips on the way out, machine processing too much, not enough memory on board... All manner of reasons.

Use cntl-alt-del to have a look at how much memory the machine says that it's using when you launch the site.

Also, do you use a dedicated graphics card or shared memory .

Also, download Spybot search and destroy to check for spyware (which is mostly harmless) running in the background on your machine as that can also have a seriously detrimental effect of perfermance. (I've found that it finds more spyware than either McAfee or Norton).





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Thanks all for your comments, and Steve for looking into it further. It's sort of encouraging that you others are not having the same problems - there might yet be a solution for me. It's just such a shame - this forum is streets ahead of the others IMHO, but it's now such hard work no
I'll also ask my lad, who's job is the web - he's a very clever monkey who might be able to crack this nut.

Have a good weekend, all.



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Hi Andy,

Did you get any joy sorting your problem? I don't have any problems moving around the site either, but must admit that I do find the acres of advertising at the top of the site very annoying....every time you move from one subject to another you have to scroll down past all the advertising to see the posting.

(Just my two penny worth!)




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No, I'm afraid not, Pauline. The ads don't load their animated panels very quickly and I can't scroll down any page I land on until they are finally ready to start twirling. Then I'm OK - till I move to another page. What I you get there? Oh - the same old ads.

The animations are facile and, after a couple of cycles, just plain annoying. But I guess that someone, somewhere, believes it's the best way to make me remember the brands with warmth and affection.

You know how, with iPhone apps etc, you can pay to "upgrade" and avoid the ads popping up? Well, I wish it was the same with the annual BKN subscription. I'd even pay double, no - treble the annual subscription if I could rid myself of them .... (well, OK - I jest a little bit ...) 


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Did you check the memory status? What were the results?

Are you using XP or 7 (I assume that nobody uses Vista anymore as the software was more of a virus than an operating system).

What browser are you using?

I'm sure that we can fix your machine but we just need more info.



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Shamus wrote:

Also, download Spybot search and destroy to check for spyware (which is mostly harmless) running in the background ..............................

Nice to see Spybot S&D get an honourable mention again, Shaun.   Always liked using that one as it says exactly what it was doing and finding.  Moved away from it purely through being told Malwarebytes is now top of the spypops.   Thanks for the tip.



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Hi Tim,

One of my ex's had a slow running machine.

I ran Spybot and it came back with 97 peices of spyware.

Did a defrag

increased the size of the paging file (which could be the issue here),

and wal ah. Machine ran like new.

not fiddling with performance on a PC seems a little like having a BMW M3 without any tyres on it.

No doubt the person would compain about the performance without seeing that there are very simple things that can be done to sort it out (i.e. put tyres on the car or make sure that a computer has enough memory that it can use).




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Hi Shaun,

I regularly de-frag, run CCleaner, spyware and anti virus and remove obsolete programs if I'm running out of room. Aside from that, the most i've done is fit extra RAM (i think is the correct term) and once upon a time fitted a floppy drive. I was never very good at Lego or Meccano, either. I once messed with BIOS and they could never get the clock to tell the right time afterwards.

I think Avira is for the recycle bin because about twice a day it hogs the memory to bring up a full screen advert.

This thread has prompted me to look at dedicated memory on this old PC which was probably XP at one time but has had Windows 7 32 bit installed along with Office 12.

Total available graphics memory 64mb
It says n/a against Dedicated Video, System Video and Shared System

Think it will end up on the typing desk.

take care

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