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Post Info TOPIC: What is the AVN network all about?

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What is the AVN network all about?
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Happy Saturday all,

Just been on Twitter and apparently the AVN network for accountants had a conference yesterday which was really useful, according to the twitter comments.

I've never heard of them before and looking at their pricing per another well known forum (it's thousands per year) I couldn't afford to join them either.

Are they a franchise or just a help network, Just being nosey really but what are they all about and would it be worth the investment?




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Wait for Bob, he knows a lot about them, but from past comments I get the feeling he doesn't rate them to highly though.



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Hi Ben,

try this link :

makes for some interesting reading.

Anyone comes to me with another methodology and I run a mile.... Considering the monthly costs that AVN charge for theirs make that two miles.

kind regards,




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@Kris - why don't you think I rate AVN highly?

I learned a lot from being an AVN member and many of the ideas inspired what we do at Crunchers.

By the way, I'm working on a new community Website and Steve Pipe (founder of AVN) is participating. I'll post a link when it goes live.


Bob Harper
Crunchers - The fixed fee accounting franchise for bookkeepers and accountants

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Thanks for the comments chaps,

Still not sure i'm any the wiser as to what AVN is all about, although must agree with Shaun that it does seem expensive - but am unsure of what you get.

They seem to be a middle ground between a franchise and a network as they do not appear to actually obtain potential clients, but I have seen some seminars on how to obtain clients.

I'm guessing that you (Bob) have looked at what the AVN offering is and incorporated the best bits into your franchise model.

Still confused and very unlikely to join as not sure my target clients would want to pay too much extra regardless of what value added services I can offer them - seems a bit too salesy to me and also targeted at bigger firms.


-- Edited by woody88 on Sunday 1st of July 2012 12:40:41 PM



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@Ben - I wouldn't say that but I do agree AVN seems to work in bigger firms, Crunchers is aimed at sole-traders with no or just a few employees.


Bob Harper
Crunchers - The fixed fee accounting franchise for bookkeepers and accountants

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Hi Bob,

THe only reason I mentioned that it was possibly aimed at bigger than one man band firms is beacuse of comments made on another forum, where most posts suggested the cost meant that was the case.

As you said in a previous post, a lot of the crunchers franchise (way things are done) stems from want you learnt from AVN, therefore how does Crunchers differentiate from AVN? Is it just that ones called a network and the other a franchise...




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@Ben - this is not a complete list but some highlights. AVN is far more developed than Crunchers. With Crunchers you trade with the Crunchers brands, with AVN you use your own. With AVN you price with software, with Crunchers you price with skill. AVN have tax strategies, we don't.


Bob Harper
Crunchers - The fixed fee accounting franchise for bookkeepers and accountants

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