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Post Info TOPIC: Help Please! I cannot uninstall sage instant off of my pc!

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Help Please! I cannot uninstall sage instant off of my pc!
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Could any of you sage experts help me with this nightmare please! I had sage instant 2014 loaded on my computer which I have very happily been using as I have been studying bookkeeping manual and computerised, it was purchased only for training so would not be able to use in the future, so as my studies have been progressing I decided to buy sage 50 2014 thinking it would be better to finish my studies on and get training on the software that I would use if working for someone or myself in the future. But when I uninstalled the instant then loaded the new one when I clicked to open low and behold it still said sage instant with the last company that I had been studying with, so after several more attempts at uninstalling and reinstalling I have noticed that I still have some sage files in my c drive which I just cant delete as it says the files or folders are open in another programme?? Like where?? I have not a clue. Unfortunately sage is the only thing I have been training on and so the only thing I know how to use and what I would need to do any more exams. I am so fed up with sage now it is disgusting that it costs so much and then you have all these problems! no

Any help would be so appreciated, Thank you!


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silly question but have you tried turning it off and on again.

Sometimes Windows doesn't recognise that its released files that it should have done.

Rebooting the machine sorts that out.

You can also try manually renaming the folder. Don't delete just rename. If things go wrong then rename it back again. (remember to keep a note of the path names).

Always happy to try and help people remove sage from their machines ;)




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Hi Shaun, thanks for your reply, still no joy though unfortunately. Thought it may have sorted itself out overnight lol, that was wishful thinking if only was that easy!

Just renamed the folder, but still when I tried to delete it this is what it said "the action cant be completed because the file is open in sage auto update manager service" close the file and try again. Well if I could close the file I would lol, am I being thick how do I close the file any ideas?

Many thanks



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I'm wondering if unplugging your network cable will stop auto update from working allowing you to delete the folder. I would personally be ringing sage and getting them to sort it.



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Although this doesn't answer the problem of not being able to uninstall, when you tried uninstalling Instant, and then installed 50, did you perchance enter your serial number and activation code for Instant again, rather than the one for 50?

Sage determines what version to give you from this information - so if you entered an Instant serial number and activation code, you would be presented with Sage Instant.

(At least I think Instant is included in the set for which that works).

If so, rather than wasting your time messing around with getting rid of the last dredges of the software, just try installing it again, and entering the correct serial number and activation code.

Alternative (hypothetical) explanation: Newer versions than I have are badly broken, and this mess is the result.

-- Edited by VinceH on Sunday 14th of September 2014 12:19:39 PM


Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software

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Sounds like some of the old data hasn't been deleted when you uninstalled and there is a conflict.


Uninstall the new sage and double check that old sage was definitely deleted. (it probably will have been) Go  to c/program files and c/program files (x586) if you have that option and look for any folders that say sage.

Delete the folders and then try re-installing the new sage.

If when you try to delete folders it says no press ctrl alt del together and look in processes to see if anything is running related to sage.  Try stopping the process(es) and see if that works.

I'm not saying it will definitely work but give it a try.  If it doesn't I'm assuming that you have a few weeks free support with it, maybe worth giving the tech guys at sage a ring?



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Hi thank you for replies I don't have a network cable it is just my personal pc. And Vince I didn't even get the chance to enter the serial number or activation key it just said was ready and finish so I clicked on expecting to use activation etc but was just my old instant.

I then looked at sage on line and thought I would register on there got as far as putting in serial number then they wanted email address etc and company address etc etc, so I came out they just wanted to set up my account I am not a business I am just someone who is trying to learn bookkeeping Arrrrg!!

And yes I did try to ring them last night, but apparently they are only open 9 till 5 Monday to Friday, but if I don't manage to sort this I will definitely be having a few words with them tomorrow ;)

I now don't have sage instant on there either as all the uninstalls eventually stopped that working! I am tempted to try loading that back on but I assume even that wont work as I still apparently have some files in my c drive. I am now worried that I might be harming my computer its poor brain is probably scrambled like mine!!

And I cant find anywhere that tells me how to close a file! grrrrr!


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Thanks John just seen your post yes there are sage related things in common files x86 have been trying to delete them but says I cant because the files or folders are open in another program. But I will try ctrl alt and del, sorry not that computer literate don't know how to look in processes?

As said above sage help is not open until tomorrow so I cant ring until then, but will do.

Many thanks


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Oh My I am so excited I think I may have done it thanks to John! I did ctrl alt del and then I went to something manager? I then saw the processes and yep saw sage auto updates running! Was a little scared to touch anything lol, but plucked up the courage and stopped it running, then was able to delete the files that were showing in my c drive YAY!!!

Not tried to install new software again yet but feel so happy to have at least got rid of the old one yippee!!

Thank you so much for every ones help will let you know if all works when install new one :)


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Oops sorry I forgot to mention the task manager bit! Fingers crossed your new sage should install fine now.



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Sorry to say, its happened again felt sure would be okay now, loaded it all, all finished and when I opened it comes up for a split second to sage 50 then sage instant jumps over it! Well thanks for all your help folks I will leave it now as have spent hours getting stressed out about it, I will be ringing sage tomorrow wondering if its all down to them and they are stopping people loading the software as they want to sell you a monthly plan. Who knows!

Will let you know the outcome of it all tomorrow.


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A quick update, it is now all working fingers crossed stays that way! Spoke to sage this morning and apparently as I was using the same version 20 original was instant then sage 50 it was an upgrade and I did not need to uninstall or install there are instructions in the booklet to upgrade to a newer version it says, well I didn't think it was a newer version as were both 2014.

Anyway it was a service pack that gets added and we had to manually install the upgrade from sage website as didn't automatically upgrade and then I had to do something else to activate it and seems all okay.

But when I put it on it still says sage instant grrrr! Apparently it doesn't just get rid of all your previous data as you may still need it, that's why I was still seeing the old company name etc, that I was using for practice "makes sense now" but if you are not expecting to see this obviously you are going to think its just gone back to the old software!

So there you go just in case anyone else ever tries to do something like this if its the same version number its an upgrade.!!



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To remove a program which doesn't fancy being removed I've always used revo uninstaller. There is a free trial like version.


Johnny  - Owner of an overly-active keyboard. 

A man who can read, yet doesn't, is in no way wiser than a man who can't.


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The way you do it is to delete the files as outlined in this clean reinstall guide.

Just don't un-install .net and don't reinstall sage.


For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.


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Its sorted now thank you. I spoke to sage and its been upgraded to sage 50.

Although the white sage screen that comes up when you first go into sage still says instant, it has more features now so it is 50 :)

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