A client wants me to create a bespoke P&L on sage. He wants to see the report as normal down to the profit figure, and then underneath, he wants to see the sum of the money he has drawn from the business. OK, no problem!
Ive made a copy of the default chart of accounts. I have edited the PL section and added the DLA codes into the taxation section (simply because this should appear below profit).
But it doesn't when I run the report!! I am looking at report designer, but I have no idea how to add a line under "6. Report Footer" which contains the net profit.
I think I need to create "7. Report Footer" and somehow add-in this "taxation" section... but I have no idea where to start!! Can anyone advise?
PS - this is the monthly profit and loss breakdown, not the main aggregate PL.. though I suspect the starting point is similar
-- Edited by FoxAccountancyServices on Friday 14th of November 2014 11:55:28 AM
There be dragons ... a lot of it is using custom stuff.
You could use the taxation section and relabel the taxation section drawings.
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.
Hey Bruceybaby! I was hoping you were having a lurk around BKN today!!
I am sorry if my post isn't clear - I think I have already done what you suggested:
"I've made a copy of the default chart of accounts. I have edited the PL section and added the DLA codes into the taxation section (simply because this should appear below profit)."
I also did rename this to drawings, as you say - but it doesn't output? Actually, it doesn't output on the Financials/P&L OR the monthly breakdown report (which is included in financials/reports/standard budgeting/blahblahblah
Now I have opened the monthly report in report designer, and it doesn't appear to include the taxation section in the format, at all?
Ermm... I would start by just using the plain original report, unmodified.
Putting drawings in Taxation and seeing if it works.
Then if it works change the labels in the COA.
I don't think you need to or want to alter the report at all.
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.
I have been running the unmodified report on both the annual PL and the monthly PL breakdown, also. The copy I made was a copy of the original - with one line added to taxation - asking it to include code 2301.
I have run the un-modifieds, and taxation amounts are not appearing. I have then opened the report in report designer, and what I see suggests that taxation is not even part of the default template.
Now, the COA shows that 9001 Taxation should include itself... there wasn't actually a code 9001 to start with, so to test things, I created code 9001 and did a bank payment of £1 to it. Then I ran the reports.. still nothing.
So from what I am seeing, the default sage reports, are not set up to include taxation. Which has led me to the question.. how do I add in taxation myself
Should I mention that I am using 2013 Sage 50 client manager, and that this back up started life as 2012? Would that be having an effect?
Either way, surely I can tell Sage report designer to start including taxation. When I look at the COA, it suggests it should be there.. but its clearly not set up on the default reports
Sorry to drag this back up to the top, but I have made a confusing discovery...
The adjustment I am trying make - getting directors drawings to appear below net profit - is something I had already achieved on a different client, and having now looked at that client's work, I see that the drawings appeared fine for the July and August months... and now they have disappeared?!!
Its as if Sage has changed the formats. This particular client is on 2012. The other client, who I discussed above, came up from 2012 into 2013. VERY bizarre that neither of these programs have had an update - but the PL report has removed "TaxationPeriodTotal1" footer
Hi all, I thought I would let you know how I got on with this, in case anyone else has issues down the line..
Having just invested in 2015 Sage Client Manager, I was able to use the support line, and they agreed that restoring a clients Instant back up (which had saved all files, instead of just data files) had overwritten my layouts. I was directed to www.sage.co.uk/au - and on here:
Current software - instead of choosing 2012 Accounts I had to choose "Reporting Updates". In my case I had to choose these from the list:
Sage 50 Accounts 2012 - Reports Only Backup Sage 50 Accounts 2012 - Layouts Only Backup
After downloading these, I had to "restore" (yes just like you would a normal back up) each backup. This didn't touch the data, it just overwrote the layouts.
I did the same with 2013. Back up taken before doing anything, just in case, as always!
Hope that comes in useful to someone, some day!!
-- Edited by FoxAccountancyServices on Tuesday 13th of January 2015 02:29:44 PM
A word of warning to anyone else who thinks about restoring multiple different companies into Sage.
When you do this you merge together all sorts of information left by the previous company.
You leak information from previous clients to other clients, you can muck up their reports and all sorts it is a world of pain.
I came across a client who was complaining about the size of his backup.
Turned out he had the VAT returns information from 30+ different companies along with loads of memos and other information because the bookkeeper was using one copy of sage for multiple clients.
Needless to say their information would have also been leaked to all the other companies as well.
The bookkeeper did not retain the client.
-- Edited by BruceDenney on Wednesday 14th of January 2015 11:24:41 AM
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.
How do you avoid this, hun? I can hardly tell my clients that I wont accept their back up to work on and send back? Does using data file back ups avoid the issue? (This particular instance was caused by a client sending me all files, rather than just data. It overwrote my layouts.)
I have noticed that, when this client asked me to email remittance for them, adding their email address into their company file, affected my company file - showing their address rather than my own. Luckily I dont use such functions for myself or any other clients and spotted it in time to find a different way to sent remittance. They are the only client who ask me to do any more than retrospective posting and reporting, so I have asked them to supply a laptop that I can use solely for their company, linking it to a separate Outlook etc.
PS.. I dont know how to add myself to your linkedin network.. I have tried a few times, and only seem to be able to accept request to link on normal profiles.. am I missing something?? I am not very good with Linked In
The way you avoid it is to restore their data in a fresh clean new company and not over an existing one.
Generally deleting the old one and then making a new one.
This is what the client manager does.
Linked in is not difficult, very useful networking tool too, I have sent you an invite, you just need to click on the link log in and accept the invite.
For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.
Ah I see. I create a client, then restore their back up into it, and from then on, I just overwrite their existing file as the back ups pass back and forth. I have a user licence for each client. I will bear that in mind though! Great advice!