Hi All - I have just upgraded several of my very old Sage Instant Accounts to Version 21, multiple company etc which is all very swishy and nice but the Bank Rec is driving me crackers. I used to be able to select multiple items in the top half of the screen before clicking match to pop them down to the bottom half of the screen (excuse the poor technical jargon!). But in his new version I can't select multiple items without using 'control' and click. Just clicking on its own de-selects the previously selected items. How can I change this please?? Thanks in advance.
It may be set to using "normal" windows selection rules
ie Crtl Click add / remove this one Click and then Shift click to select all between
The old behaviour was "non standard" to change back to it, Tools>Options>Environment>Tick Sage selection Method
-- Edited by BruceDenney on Monday 8th of December 2014 05:59:54 PM
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