As a sub-contractor, the company i work for has CIS deducted from payments received, as you know we should be receiving deduction statements from the main contractor indicating how much they have deducted to enable returns to be made.
Most main contractors do this without fail however some seem to have problems with it from not knowing what deduction statements are to the statements not reflecting the deductions they have made.
Now, if i know that the deduction was for CIS and a statement is not received, am i still able to claim against PAYE or do i have to wait for the statements.
Even if I can work out what the deduction is based upon taking 20% off the labour element of an invoice my rule for clients is no statement, no reclaim. This usually encourages them to get the contractor to issue it
Whether this is correct I don't know but having spoken to HMRC about CIS this morning I know how 'strict' they are about making sure that the reclaims made by the subbie match the payments made by the contractor.