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Post Info TOPIC: Help needed with Sage 50 Monthend procedure errors


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Help needed with Sage 50 Monthend procedure errors
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Good afternoon,

I am writing to see if anyone can help me with a sage problem I have experienced doing a client's month end procedure. The p & l sales figure is different from products profit sales figure. Any suggestions as to what I can check will be appreciated.

Many thanks,




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Try looking at the chart of accounts to see what range of nominal codes is included in the profit and loss sales figure.


Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software

(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)


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many thanks will check that!  cheers VinceH


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There are lots of reasons

The products Profit will not take into account any non stock sale, it might not include returns and credit notes.

Cost prices could be incorrectly entered against products, the month end stock journal might not be correct.

This could also apply to any numbers derived from the invoicing module.

The bottom line is that they are aimed at doing different things.

The Financials P&L is the gospel and should be correct.
The Products is really there to provide analysis on the profitability of lines.
The Invoicing module can give you information about the profitability of individual customers.


For just about anything Sage :- switch to renting, pay-as-you-go sage support, sagecover, upgrades, application integration, reports, layouts, analysis or any other help making life with sage easier/less time consuming Contact me.



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Many thanks Bruce  that was very helpful, I found all  the errors and now I am remaining with is a carriage charge (which is set up as a non-stock item) which my client has charged a customer (added on to a product invoice)  it is appearing in the nominal sales that's the P& L but does not show in product sales.

So if I understand you correctly that is fine as it will not be included in the product sales as it is a non stock item.

Many thanks and appreciate all the help! 



-- Edited by ule75 on Tuesday 3rd of February 2015 10:36:38 AM

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