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Post Info TOPIC: Give me your (constructive!) criticism please...

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Give me your (constructive!) criticism please...
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Hi all

I haven't been on here in a long time because business has been so good! It is still good but I am currently on maternity leave (and a week past my due date so getting a bit fed up) and took the opportunity to revamp my website and do some other business housework that never seems to get done in the normal working routine.

So the website is here and I would very much appreciate some feedback on it and it's content. The blog in particular is an area that I've never tackled before but wanted to get some thoughts on.

Comments welcome  smile





Bruton Young Bookkeeping -


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Hi Clare

Long time, no speak - glad to see business has been booming and congratulations on the impending birth

The website looks very good. I think it is clear concise and says everything it needs to about you. Contact page is a little bit light in font colour but still readable.


Phil Hendy, The Accountancy Mentor

Are you thinking of setting up your own practice or have you set up and need some help?

If so a mentor may be the way forward - feel free to get in touch and see how I can assist you. 


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Thanks Phil - how are things with you?

Since I moved to Devon I've benefited from the word of mouth and "use local" ethos that you seem to get in the rural west country. I'm up to capacity and turning away enquiries every day - subcontracting out to another local bookkeeper now too.

I'll correct the font colour - thanks for the feedback


Bruton Young Bookkeeping -

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Hi Clare

Overall impression good. I particularly like the SA countdown timer and the tax rates.  I like the testimonials although personally these would have been relegated to the side or a separate page.  The blog is a good idea and one I intend to put on my website when I can find time to update it.  Your website is mobile friendly so that's a good plus point, especially now that google is penalising websites that aren't.


[Business] is still good but I am currently on maternity leave (and a week past my due date so getting a bit fed up)

You are Kate Middleton in disguise AICMFP biggrin





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I wish I was booked into the Lindo Wing!! NHS Food - oh deep joy lol


Bruton Young Bookkeeping -


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Good site.

Like the self assessment countdown clock.

Might pinch that idea for my site.


Mark Stewart CA

Providing accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax services to small and medium sized businesses across Central Scotland and beyond.

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Feel free Mark - I'm full of ideas for the site but don't want to clutter it with inanities!!


Bruton Young Bookkeeping -

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it looks really good. I too may pinch the countdown clock! Like the blog - I have been knowing on trying to keep mine up to date as it seems to be the thing to do.

My only observation is that it might be better to put your links to your social media in top right corner not hidden away at the bottom where you have to scroll to find them. Have read/heard lots recently to say this is the best place to put them to catch peoples eye.

Good luck with the baby!



Alison - Simply Balanced Solutions

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I'm a self taught Wordpress user but have recently learnt about scheduling blog posts. So I can spend say 3-4 hours writing a few posts but schedule them to be posted whenever I like which makes it look like I'm posting more regularly than I actually am! I really only blog about once a month but it appears to be a lot more because of the schedule I've set. Hopefully that will help get me up the Google rankings. Also the addition of some basic SEO (which I'm a total newbie at) should help - I hope!
I'm quite enjoying taking the time to do these things whilst on maternity leave as I never seem to have time normally and certainly won't once I am back at work and have a toddler and a baby!

Not sure how to move the social media icons so they may have to stay where they are until I investigate how to move them LOL


Bruton Young Bookkeeping -

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