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Does anyone use Payroll Manager (moneysoft)?????
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Hi do any of you use Payroll Manager (moneysoft) ??

I have a client who does their own payroll on Payroll Manager and prints off the sheets every week for me to make the payroll journals.

At the end year end now and have gone in to check all these journals against a few reports I printed off from the software (which I have only used once before) and apart from a recent few are all different from the weekly sheets!!!!!! 

I asked them about this - if they had gone in and changed them - they said they haven't as it's locked at the end of the period when they file them. I go back into the software and re-print the 'employers summary for the period' and it's got payments to employees missing from the original print out. There are lots like this.

Am I missing something??? It looks to me like they have gone in and re-done them? I can't think of anything else that could of happened.


Thanks in advance for any help



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Are you definitely looking at the same type of reports? Where are the differences i.e. Net pay? Gross Pay? Etc


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Ive never had changes to these reports, although I noticed one report I looked at the other day didnt have all the deductions on it ie it didnt show an Attachment of earnings order on it. Im mid PC move to a new system and ve not got my old PC on at the mo so cant get into Payroll Manager to check which reports I was looking at now. Can you give us an example of which reports you had originally versus now? Better still - load them (with the usual sensitive bits deleted) and we can have a look and perhaps help more.
As you appear to have access to the software the other option is to click on the RTI button (on any week or month) - which will take you through to a list of when the RTI reports were done, then 'view' - you can view each one which will show what has been reported and there may help you to check against what you have already been given.

If you are still struggling tomorrow then sling a note on here and I will login and try to help further.



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Thanks guys.

I have backed up their payroll file and have opened it on my computer at home that has the software on.

Pic 1 the original employers summary from week 1(printed by owner who does the payroll)

Pic 2 me re-printing the employers summary from week 1

As you can see there looks like payments have been taken off in the second pic, this has happend all through the year (about 60% of the weeks). SO the journals I have made do not match the payments to HMRC and the year end summary I have printed off to check.

The report at the year end was called 'period totals' and has a row for each week and the columns total payments, tax deducted, employer NIC, net pay and employer NIC across the top. This report matches everything in Pic 2.

The amounts to the employees that are not on the re-printed sheet have actually been paid these amounts.

I have no idea what has happened, the client has insisted that the print outs have not been re-done in anyway. 

Thanks in advance for your help with this mess





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You may have already done this Rachel so apologies if you have.

Go to Analysis/Period totals and it will will give you a weekly breakdown of total wages/tax/ni

Compare this with your journals and you will be able to see where the discrepancies are.  Assuming you still have the weekly sheets (1)  he gave you you can also match them against the analysis/weekly total as well.

You can scroll back and forth through the weeks by using the arrows at the top of the page where it says current period week x, or alternatively click on the £ sign (pay details) on the menu tabs and select the week you want to look at, close the pay details and you will be on that week, and can select the report you need.



(1) Which ones were they, the ones I use are the employer statement for current period.  






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Hi Violet, thought that was you! how is it all going? haven't spoken to you in a long long time





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Thank you John - the ones that were printed off are called 'employers summary for period'

-- Edited by rachel_mclean on Thursday 21st of May 2015 11:10:10 AM



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Apologies, I can see you've already done that.  You posted while I was typing lol.

You have some missing employees on the current print out, have these left throughout the year?  I'm going to have a guess that your client has deleted these employees from the payroll, which has wiped out their record for the year.


Edit, yes summary not statement, that's the same ones I use.

-- Edited by Leger on Thursday 21st of May 2015 11:13:55 AM





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no they're still on there. It's weird - the employees that are missing from the 2nd print out have been paid so I have no idea what's happened.



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Have a look at the £ sign on moneysoft and look at the individuals that are missing on the current sheet, are the correct pay details showing in week 1, for instance, that matches up with your original sheet?  If they're not, that would explain why they're not showing on the current sheet, if they are then I think it'd be worth phoning moneysoft for further help.

-- Edited by Leger on Thursday 21st of May 2015 11:30:51 AM





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Hi Rachel. Yes its me. I am good. Did you get back into ATT? We need to catch up


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Hi Rachel
Sorry i completely forgot to look on here today but looks like John has helped. Have you sorted it now?

Its very bizzare, and could be to do with the leavers, although i had a play with one of mine from last year which has quite a few leavers on and they are all showing where I would expect them to be. The only difference was when I had to do a re-submission of thr RTI after not being told about someone who had left two weeks prior - it changed one of the periods, when they left, but the following one didnt seem to update (although moneysoft advised all would be ok - I would have to try to find the email now about it, but I can see that the P11 Deductions worksheet is fine and the RTI has reported the correct date of leaving.

Might be worth looking at the P11 - go to Forms and you will find it in there. Failing that I would contact Moneysoft - they are really helpful.

Good luck if you havent sorted it. Let us know



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Hi Rachel


I don't use moneysoft so can't really help you, but is your client the one who does the payroll, or an employee? in which case you could ask them. It could be and Im only guessing that for some reason one of the payrolls for an employee had to be rolled back, if so, this would alter some of the figures later, and you may not have been told. Its worth seeing if you can speak to the person who does the payroll, because if they have rolled it back and redone the reports, they may have not thought that they needed to tell you to update. If the rollback was due to an error and not just because someone had left, they might not like admitting that they had to roll it back, just a thought. Anyway really hope you sort it.


Kind regards and very best wishes





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John - Ok I have a good look through and YES he has deleted the employees that have left through the year and this had also deleted any records of the PAYE/NI/Employers NI due through the year.

Joanne - I did what you said - clicked and found the RTI reports and it looks like the RTI submissions are on the new figures - so employees that have left are not included on them. Does this now mean that they have not paid the NI/PAYE/Employers NI for the employees that have left through the year?
It's really difficult because I can't match up the payments to HMRC to either the old or new figures as the payments are all over the place anyway and not paid on time.

what a mess!! any suggestions for what I should do next?

Thanks for your help on this



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Hi Rachel
What a can of worms. So it's looks like they have done the payroll, sent you the info, then deleted the departing staff before sending the RTI. So I would suggest they haven't paid or should I say reported the tax and NI due for the leavers, but you can check via HMRC. Ignore for a minute the actual payments and check what HMRC have on their website as to what they are expecting in terms of payments.

If the above is correct, I would work out from your reports how much the shortfall is. Then talk to them and ask them to run through the process they use for reporting payroll at the time they have leavers. Does it sound like a genuine error. They need to understand the correct method of processing so it doesn't happen again, ie not deleting staff, just reporting them as leavers. Then I would suggest they hold their hands up to HMRC and pay what they owe.



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

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Might be worth accessing the computer and having a look at the biggest *.bk1, *.bk2, *.bk3, *.bk4 and *.bk5 files.

Rename largest to EG. and consider rebuilding the whole payroll.

Best wishes,


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Hi Rachel

As I said I don't use moneysoft, but if you are not responsible for actually preparing the payroll, and if the figures you have are correct, cant you talk to them and if necessary HMRC, just redo the end of year using the correct figures, if the ones that have left have other jobs then the tax/NI may have been sorted anyway, and then do it correctly for this year. If it is a genuine error, you could ring up HMRC explain that the person who did it made a mistake and hopefully they then won't get a fine for a late submission. Hope you sort it, but as long as you cover your own back and point out the errors, then if they don't just make sure you can't be held liable. 


Kind regards and very best wishes






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Thanks very much everyone for your help on this, turns out the actual amounts paid to HMRC were correct thank god!! just the reprints that were missing the deleted employees. I juts have to tie up the missing information, thanks again I think it would have cracked if I did't have your help



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