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Post Info TOPIC: Where can I buy AAT Level 3 mock exams please?


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Where can I buy AAT Level 3 mock exams please?
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Hi, I have 2 AAT level 3 exams in just under 2 weeks and could really do with some extra practice exam papers or old exam papers. I got all the books from Kaplan on the distance learning course so there are no mock exams or anything just one mock at the back of each textbook!

I am taking papers - accounts prep AND final accounts for sole traders and partnerships.

Is anyone got any practice papers to sell or know where I might be able to buy some?






Master Book-keeper

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AAt website under 'my AAT' usually have a couple of exams plus random questions - all for 'free' as part of your student membership



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position


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Lovely, thanks very much Joanne I'll go looking for those today.

Thanks again



Master Book-keeper

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Oh sorry Rachel - Ive just read your post properly - youve done the course through Kaplan - you should be able to get a pile of mocks and assessments form your My Kaplan login. Go in and then there is a test or assessment 'arrow' that takes you through to it - a bit fiddly if you dont know your way around (ring Kaplan if you cant get in!)



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

Master Book-keeper

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Did you get into 'Mykaplan' Rachel?



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position


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you can also access the old standard mocks here:

for those two subjects the old standard ones are still valid.

kind regards





Nick Craggs FMAAT ACA  AAT Distance Learning Manager


BKN Tutor of the Year 2013 & 2015



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Hi Joanne, yes I did thank you very much for that! I can't get them up from the AAT website - they need a password for me to be able to view them! which is rubbish seeing as I am already logged in! I have no idea where I am supposed to get these passwords from and don't want to spend hours on the phone to AAT to try and find out.
But the Kaplan ones are great thanks Joanne



Master Book-keeper

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The 'My AAT' section is usually the same password as your main login. If not - then just use the 'forgotten password' link and they will email you a new one. Good luck with them!



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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