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Post Info TOPIC: Register with the Information Commissioner’s Office / MIP Renewal

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Register with the Information Commissioner’s Office / MIP Renewal
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I am just renewing my MIP with the AAT and just wondered if any of you registered with the Information Commissioners Office as it asks at the end in the declaration "I confirm that I am aware of the need to register with the Information Commissioners Office and to comply with my obligations under the Data Protection Act *" (this was not in my renewal last year!)


Also, wondering if being a MIP with the AAT is worth it, opinion please??



-- Edited by Corry on Monday 10th of August 2015 12:26:53 PM


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I'm registered with ICO, and would suggest it best to.  Not 100% sure if it's an absolute necessity for bookkeeping but I also do payroll, which means I hold names and addresses of client's employees, so it is in my case.

If AAT are making it a requirement it's likely that it is. 

On your second question, I would say so.  It's what I intend to do once I've passed level 4. (not even started level 2 yet lol)






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I have a practice certificate from the IAB, and it is a requirement with them that you are registered with the ICO.



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Just wondering why you might consider it not worth being MIP with the AAT?



Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017 

Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.

You should check out answers with reference to the legal position

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Thanks for your replies.

I was just wondering how you think clients view these sorts of things, the letters after your name and such vs cost. I am not looking to increase my client base at present so wondered if it was an expense that could be let go. But weighed up the pro's and con's and decided to renew. I also registered with the ICO...

Good luck with the studying John...


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Corry wrote:

 I am not looking to increase my client base at present so wondered if it was an expense that could be let go. But weighed up the pro's and con's and decided to renew. I also registered with the ICO...

 You would need to register for MLR with HMRC anyway which is a similar cost so you may aswell do it via AAT ;)



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AAT introduced the requirement this year. If you speak to the ICO they say bookkeepers don't need to register but accountants do. When you ask them the difference they can't tell you. I think for the sake of £35 it's safer to do so particularly if you are keeping any of your client records on your own PC. I'm a MIP with the AAT and I do sometimes wonder if it's worth the £400 a year. I do occasionally go to their evening events to maintain my CPD but other than that I don't really have much to do with them. None of my clients have ever asked about my qualifications or memberships and new clients come from recommendations from existing clients. It would be cheaper to register for money laundering with HMRC. I guess I do it just so I can say I am an MIP. I keep paying so there must be something!

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