Am having trouble entering mid year start data - doesnt tally with what client has sent me so would be really grateful for some help form someone who uses this .... pretty please!!!!
Hi ive gone to toold and mid year start and when i enter the client info for april the pay to date doesnt match the clients april payslip he did that he sent me
His payslip says
£344.40 PAYE TAX
£2018.00 NET PAY
Ive ticked him as a director and ticked no employer NIC liability because of that (just him that gets paid)
He also seems to be using a 1140L code but sent me a tax notification with 1100L
I dont know if thats because he seems to be paying himself on another report £650 as director which shows £86.20 paye tax and £59.40 employee NI
Can i ask given the above what should i be showing in the Earnings upto LEL, LEL to PT and PT to UEL - am wondering if its me going wrong there???
Also am entering mid year date in Month 2
Thanks in advance !!!! Is first client am setting up on this and not uused this software before ..... am sure once first one is done will be fine going forward !!!!
Hi ive gone to toold and mid year start and when i enter the client info for april the pay to date doesnt match the clients april payslip he did that he sent me
His payslip says
£344.40 PAYE TAX
£2018.00 NET PAY
First of all those figures seem to be wrong (assuming 1100L tax code) but shouldn't affect what you're trying to do
Ive ticked him as a director and ticked no employer NIC liability because of that (just him that gets paid)
Have you ticked alternative scheme under where you ticked him as Director. Going by that first pay period he is not on NIC annual scheme.
He also seems to be using a 1140L code but sent me a tax notification with 1100L
The tax and NI figure on 1100L should be £336.40 Tax £231.36 Employees NI 265.51 Employers NI on the April payroll, what software was used before?
I dont know if thats because he seems to be paying himself on another report £650 as director which shows £86.20 paye tax and £59.40 employee NI
In which case he shouldn't be on an 1100/40 Tax code on the one you're trying to set up but again shouldn't be affecting what you're trying to do.
Can i ask given the above what should i be showing in the Earnings upto LEL, LEL to PT and PT to UEL - am wondering if its me going wrong there???
I've got £486, £186, £1928
Also am entering mid year date in Month 2
Thats correct
I've just replicated it on my Moneysoft and it lets me put your figures in on the mid year start, and your figures appear on the April payslip. Are you getting an error or something?
I'm out now until 10pm but happy to help further later
Edited to correct typo in employees NI, thanks Alison
-- Edited by Leger on Friday 6th of May 2016 05:17:20 PM
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
I've got the same as John although I think there is a typo in his Employees NI which is £231.36.
I can't replicate what you have got, not sure what to suggest. Can you get the workings sheet from the old payroll software rather than just the payslip?
What was the actual paydate for April and then for May? Thinking its only 6th so only just into a new tax month. Also - have you had a look at the mid year start notes in the help files.
Monseysoft does say the following on their instructions :-
Please note that the possibility exists that the Tax and NIC you actually deducted before the Starting Month may have been different from that calculated by the program.
Note that any discrepancies in tax paid will automatically be compensated for in the following periods, but that any discrepancies in NIC paid will remain.
You should be able to get a P11 from the previous software, although if you have all the other bits you should be able to see it from that, unless there has been some jiggery pokery (ie technical term for just an amendment by the client they have forgotten to tell you about and then get new reports for) then the P11 is the best to get and use that.
Ive not tried it in Moneysoft like the others have.
You might need to set it up as another company once you have the right response idc and just start again.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
The reason you are getting the NI refunds is because you haven't ticked the box under the employee to use the alternative scheme to calculate Directors NI. Go to employees, click on the work tab and its about 2/3rd down on the right. Tick it and it should correct the payslip.
Apologies if you already know this but Directors NI is usually calculated on an annual basis, and NI doesn't become payable until the last 2-4 months of the tax year, which is why you got the minus figure. It's basically refunding the NI paid in April. Ticking the box forces the software to deduct the NI monthly.
I'm able to produce a payslip for April. I've put the figures in on the mid year tab, dropping the box down to Month 2. I then click on the £ sign on the top bar, click in April then click on the yellow envelope on the top bar.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
He also seems to be using a 1140L code but sent me a tax notification with 1100L
I dont know if thats because he seems to be paying himself on another report £650 as director which shows £86.20 paye tax and £59.40 employee NI
It doesn't matter that you've entered 1140L in the mid year and then 1100L ongoing. It will correct the tax on month 2
Can we have more info on this other report. Is it the same payroll? Only thing I can think of is it's a weekly payroll, because NI isn't payable at all on £650 a month. Is it possibly last tax year and he's now changed to monthly pay.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
I have from the client the April payslip, company tax report for april, p30 summary, month end summary for april, payroll summary with year to dates - all of these say the figures i first quoted and the tax code 1140L
He definately pays once a month at the end of each month.
This £650 figure only shows on the payroll summary with year to dates and the payslip and it shows the figues i have stated 86.20 tax and 59.40 employee ni. It shows on the payroll summary with year to dates as two separate lines... one line for the 2600 and one line for the 650
have entered the data as mid year data in month 2 as he has supplied
Ie 1140L 2600, 344.40, 237.60, 272.68 and the to lel 486 lel to pt 186 and pt to uel 1928
When i go to pay details in april and click the yellow envelope i can not see a payslip for apil as it says no pay for this period.
However on entering the 2600 for may and using 1100L the year to date figures i get with the calculations for may do total what he gave me for april and what it shows for may
May period shows as
£2600 £328.60 Tax £231.36 Employees NI
Total £2040.04 P30 says £559.96 due to HMRC
Year to dates
£5200 £673 Tax £468.96 Employees NI £272.68 Employers NI
Going forward for June and July i get the same figures ie
£2600 £336.40 Tax £231.36 Employees NI
Total £2032.04 P30 says £567.76
So looks like ive got that bit right now? ????? Slightly different figure in May sorts out fact he used 1140L in April whereas i have used 1100L May onwards as thats whats the Notice of Tax Codes he has sent me says and going forward for June and July its the same
On the paydetails for March 17 it is showing
-£468.96 Employees NI £468.96 Net Pay -£272.68 Emploers NI
I am guessing that is because of the April mess up????
So.... if someone wold be kind enough to confirm above ....that leaves me with
1. Tell him code going forward is 1100L unless he can show me anything from HMRC to state otherwise as Notice of Tax Code he has sent me says 1100L not 1040L that he used in April
2. Ask what this £650 is that seems to appear on only certain documents and not all - he has even ringed on the month end summary the £2018 Net Pay and £582.00 Amount Due which just relate to the £2600. The £650 and the tax and NI figures that went with it dont show on this report. I havenet included the £650 figures at all yet... until i know more as doesnt seem right to me they dont show on all reports?????? FYI where the £650 does show on his paperwork he has ringed nothing to do with it
Again a million thank yous ... if do end up needing to ring Moneysoft support id like it to be as less of a mess as possible before i do !!!!
PS not sure what software he used - think it wa Iris ... i do know he did his own payroll not done by a payroll person.
-- Edited by Gail72 on Saturday 7th of May 2016 08:51:52 AM
Just a very quick scan of your email, as not at my PC so can't plug into Moneysoft.....the is a reference to a March 17 date, can you clarify the '17' bit. Also, If it wy client I would insist on the p11 as this cannot be altered by him, plus even the RTI confirmations given the odd figure you talk about. Can you get hold of these today from him?
Will try to check later when I'm on my PC but it will be late evening at the earliest.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
However on entering the 2600 for may and using 1100L the year to date figures i get with the calculations for may do total what he gave me for april and what it shows for may
May period shows as
£2600 £328.60 Tax £231.36 Employees NI
Total £2040.04 P30 says £559.96 due to HMRC
Year to dates
£5200 £673 Tax £468.96 Employees NI £272.68 Employers NI
Can you check that you've entered the the employers NI in the mid year bit. I'm getting £538.19. Other than that, my figures agree with yours. What YTD employers NI do you have for June, I have £803.70
Going forward for June and July i get the same figures ie
£2600 £336.40 Tax £231.36 Employees NI
Total £2032.04 P30 says £567.76
I actually get £833 but I think I know why, my guess is that you've got the claim employers allowance ticked. You're going to have to untick that box, because a sole Director with no employees can no longer claim it.
So looks like ive got that bit right now? ????? Slightly different figure in May sorts out fact he used 1140L in April whereas i have used 1100L May onwards as thats whats the Notice of Tax Codes he has sent me says and going forward for June and July its the same
On the paydetails for March 17 it is showing
-£468.96 Employees NI £468.96 Net Pay -£272.68 Emploers NI
I am guessing that is because of the April mess up????
Not sure on the employees NI but the employers NI is minus because it thinks there's none due, and its picking up the April 2016 payment. The figure I have is £225.60 employee and £258.36 employers. For tax I've got £336.40, so I don't understand why yours has jumped up.
Can you go to analysis, pay totals, compact and look at the figures please. I've attached a screenshot of what I have, can you see any anomalies?
1. Tell him code going forward is 1100L unless he can show me anything from HMRC to state otherwise as Notice of Tax Code he has sent me says 1100L not 1040L that he used in April
2. Ask what this £650 is that seems to appear on only certain documents and not all - he has even ringed on the month end summary the £2018 Net Pay and £582.00 Amount Due which just relate to the £2600. The £650 and the tax and NI figures that went with it dont show on this report. I havenet included the £650 figures at all yet... until i know more as doesnt seem right to me they dont show on all reports?????? FYI where the £650 does show on his paperwork he has ringed nothing to do with it
Yep definitely.
Again a million thank yous ... if do end up needing to ring Moneysoft support id like it to be as less of a mess as possible before i do !!!!
You're welcome, it's a lovely forum this, with people always willing to help
PS not sure what software he used - think it wa Iris ... i do know he did his own payroll not done by a payroll person.
As Joanne says, if you can get a P11 print off that might provide some answers. Ongoing, I would always make sure you have the P11 for any payrolls that you take over. (Makes mental note to self too)
-- Edited by Gail72 on Saturday 7th of May 2016 08:51:52 AM
-- Edited by Leger on Saturday 7th of May 2016 10:51:39 AM
-- Edited by Leger on Saturday 7th of May 2016 10:56:17 AM
Given John has tried this in Moneysoft and he has done way more payroll than I have and is more knowledgeable on that front, I wont try it in mine!
There has been lots of adjustments of base data and settings, so I would suggest once you get the P11 that you actually re-set it all up carefully from scratch as a new company and mark the other as 'do not use' - you should have enough spare in the moneysoft program hopefully. Then if you need to ring Moneysoft on Monday at least you are looking at clean data.
Let us know how you get on though!
PS - if your client cant 'find' the P11 in his software, can you go in to his place of work and extract it yourself? Most payroll software have good help files and Iris (if it is Iris) is pretty intuitive so it should be easy to locate, or a quick google will probably tell you.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Cheshire the March 17 refernce is March 2017. The figures i mention show on the pay deatils screen automatically in March 17 period
Ledger - you mean the big prompt box that comes up when set new employee up that says yes claim allowance, no dont, or i dont know remind me later ..... im sure i clicked no becuase as you say a sole director cant claim it ..... where do i go to check what i put or amend ???
and yes a lovely forum .... and all exceedingly patient with me as a first time user of moneysoft ... thank you all again.
PS i will ask the client for the P11
I will look at this again tomorrow with fresh eyes !!!! as am getting cross eyed!!
Cheshire the March 17 refernce is March 2017. The figures i mention show on the pay deatils screen automatically in March 17 period
Ledger - you mean the big prompt box that comes up when set new employee up that says yes claim allowance, no dont, or i dont know remind me later ..... im sure i clicked no becuase as you say a sole director cant claim it ..... where do i go to check what i put or amend ???
and yes a lovely forum .... and all exceedingly patient with me as a first time user of moneysoft ... thank you all again.
PS i will ask the client for the P11
I will look at this again tomorrow with fresh eyes !!!! as am getting cross eyed!!
Hi Gail
Unless you are reading this on a mobile, you will hopefully see our real names under the signature bar at the bottom of our messages. Glad you love the forum - I certainly do, couldnt be without it!
Dont blame you for looking with fresh eyes tomorrow, think thats what I needed with the '17' bit - Ive been having PC problems all day and thought I had fixed them earlier but am hoping I have just in the last few minutes, but going goggle eyed looking at it! We should all be out in the sun!!!!!!
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Have decided to leave this until get further info (isnt due to end of May so plenty of time ) so have emailed the client asking for explaination re tax code used 1140L when i have Notice of Coding stating 1100L and also asked for the P11 and confirmation of what payroll software has been used
Will be back when i have this info
PS Can i claim the bottle of wine i needed after looking at this Friday and Saturday on my expenses ????? .... dont worry ... i do know the answer !!!!!!!!!!
PS Can i claim the bottle of wine i needed after looking at this Friday and Saturday on my expenses ????? .... dont worry ... i do know the answer !!!!!!!!!!
Of course not! What one bottle??? Now a whole caseload, thats an entirely different matter
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Taxcode should be 1100L ... him using 1140L in April was a mistake so thats that bit sorted
I checked the gross pay figure and asked if it was £2600 and the answer i got was " i wish to have £500 in my pocked each week. This can be calculated monthly and paid and end of each month"
P11 he doesnt know how to do - Iris i am not familar with can anyone give me step by step instructions to pass to him to print it to show what has actually been done in April !!!!!
PS Joanne if id known a case was deductable id have had a case not a bottle
Taxcode should be 1100L ... him using 1140L in April was a mistake so thats that bit sorted
Yep, your 1100L code has corrected it.
I checked the gross pay figure and asked if it was £2600 and the answer i got was " i wish to have £500 in my pocked each week. This can be calculated monthly and paid and end of each month"
So £2167 net monthly. I think whats happened is that he's initially gone for £650 a week and then thought oh £2600 a month, which is where the initial confusion lay. Check with him that he has submitted RTI for April.
Moneysoft has a clever feature called net to gross. On the top bar of pay details you'lll see a blue circle outline with a red circle in the middle. Click on that and it'll give you a net figure to enter. That will then calculate the gross with tax and ni to deduct. If he's happy with the £2600 gross though I'd leave it as it is.
P11 he doesnt know how to do - Iris i am not familar with can anyone give me step by step instructions to pass to him to print it to show what has actually been done in April !!!!!
I wish I could but other that Earnie (an IRIS product) in 2008 I've never used IRIS. Is it definitely Iris, as they also do 12pay and Kashflow. The main IRIS payroll is mega expensive and would usually be used by a big company or an accountant.
PS Joanne if id known a case was deductable id have had a case not a bottle
Sounds like you needed it lol
Did you sort the anomolies you had. If you want to post a screenshot of the period totals and the mid year entries you made I'm happy to see if I can spot anything wrong. Please remember to remove any identifiable features.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
I decided to hold on it until i got some responses from him ..... i will have a go tomorrow or wednesday on it because as he cant do P11 i want him to at least confirm in writing the figures he has actually submitted which i am waiting back on - especially as it has now been shown he messed up on the tax code for April!
I will screenshot and post when revisited it
Iris Payroll Master he says re software - if anyone can help re a step by step guide re how to do p11 i can send him on that id be really really grateful
Thanks again all I will be back ..... in the meantime i might well have that case of deductible wine !!!!!
I thought I'd load an evaluation of the IRIS software and have a butchers. IMO its awful! Reminds me of software I was using back in the early 2000's. Not as expensive as I thought it would be, but at £256 + VAT for the first year, not cheap either.
I was unable to print the P11, says no report available. Hopefully that's because its trial software but if your client gets the same result, then it must only be available at the end of the year.
As Joanne says its year end on the top bar, then print P11 - NI and print P11 - PAYE
Incidentally I got the same NI figures I got in Moneysoft, so why his software has produced different figures I don't know.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
I thought I'd load an evaluation of the IRIS software and have a butchers. IMO its awful! Reminds me of software I was using back in the early 2000's. Not as expensive as I thought it would be, but at £256 + VAT for the first year, not cheap either.
I was unable to print the P11, says no report available. Hopefully that's because its trial software but if your client gets the same result, then it must only be available at the end of the year.
As Joanne says its year end on the top bar, then print P11 - NI and print P11 - PAYE
Incidentally I got the same NI figures I got in Moneysoft, so why his software has produced different figures I don't know.
Thats surprised me as I heard good things from someone about Iris payroll, albeit it was about three years ago! Plus I seem to recall it was about £400 a year back then! Still, not flippin cheap.
One question, Gail - is if they are paying this annual fee then surely they will have some support from Iris. Think I would be going to clients and making them phone up Iris whilst I was there so I could interrogate it (or them - I find a really good strong lamp and a German accent works well for that!)
Failing that - a call out to HMRC alongside said customer, or checking their online account for what was actually reported, as Im convinced you are missing a bit of paper/some changes have been made that you havent got! Or drastic action - re-do April and hope the mitigating circumstances dont end up with a fine. Actually im pretty sure you wont need to do that. Clients hey!!!!!
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Iris has several payroll suites, this particular one is absolutely sh..ocking I think its the entry version, and it shows.
Whe rooting about I found Iris Business Pro, and that one looked a lot more modern, and user friendly, and was about £300 odd quid. There was also one at over £400 and then the creme de le creme. The bureau version at £777 all plus VAT.!!!
I nearly said yesterday about Gail starting from scratch, but I would suggest she only does that if the RTI hasn't been submitted yet. If it has I would stick to what she's already done (albeit setting up a new file as already been suggested) as the tax corrects itself in May and the NI corrects itself in March 2017.
If the RTI has been submitted it would be worth making that call to HMRC and double checking they have the same figures as her client has produced.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
Was hoping we might see Mark or Rob on here as they both use Iris dont they, although Im not sure if its the payroll side or just the practice management stuff.
£777+VAT!!!!!!!! Wow.
I do think the RTI will have been submitted. Have you seen any fines yet from the 'excuses' for late RTI yet? I think the first one you get for free dont you? Cannot recall as Ive not been involved in any recently fortunately!
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
I wasn't aware that they let you off the first one, and I don't want to find out lol.
I've been incredibly good since April, as even one day late now will trigger a penalty. Had a few occasions prior to that when I missed the RTI on the deadline day and filed the next day instead.
I've got reminder alarms going off left right and centre now lol, especially on a Friday!!
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
I wasn't aware that they let you off the first one, and I don't want to find out lol. OK - dont quote me on that one, I could be completely wrong!!
I've been incredibly good since April, same here, in fact was all last year too, just in case lol as even one day late now will trigger a penalty. Had a few occasions prior to that when I missed the RTI on the deadline day and filed the next day instead.
I've got reminder alarms going off left right and centre now lol, especially on a Friday!! I hate month end the most, used to be easy but over the last 4 months Ive been out and about a lot more, so I really have to think ahead. Ive got a vision of you now in the office with about 15 alarms going off at intervals, with you asleep in a corner, lol
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Trust me Joanne im with John re the Iris package being shocking!!!!! - the reports i have are like something out of the dark ages and so not user friendly!!!!!
I aim (fingers crossed) to have all info i need by this pm so i will report back later
PS the client has no real interest in the admin side of his business hence the outsource of payroll and as for this Iris software i swear he must bought it from someone in a pub whilst he was completely drunk and incapable of making a sensible decision !!!!!! as noone would pick this software out of choice!!!!
PPS is the second case of wine also deductable like the first
Hi all I'm back
Finally got confirmation of all the figures are April
John re your screenshot attachment I get what you get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get total pay 31200, tax 4038, employee ni 2776.80, net pay 24385.20 and employer ni 3186.14
I have him ticked as a director
I have got the April figures he used in mid year totals month 2 with the 1140l code he used
In month 2 I have changed tax code for that month and rest of year to 1100l as per tax code notice he gave me
In employer details/tax office tab I have not ticked claim ni allowance
In employee details/work tab I have not ticked no employer ni liability
In employee details/work tab I have ticked use alternative scheme to calculate directors ni
As I was getting to a point where I thought I'd never get this right as I match John I'm pretty sure I'm all good now but can john or someone please for reassurance confirm all above is right for my peace of mind
Thanking you!!!!!!!!!
There you go you see. Some people do appreciate the forum and that's got to be worth a few drive bys
Oh I know. People with manners do exist, but just seem to be few and far between John. I reckon the ones who 'demand' an answer without a hello, nor a please and then without a thank you probably dont actually ever read any other posts on here so would miss the point of the other post, although Im thinking of taking to including the link on the bottom of those who read and never say a word and shame them into responding. Some clearly think a few of us just sit here waiting to respond to their 'demands' for an answer and worse still we get paid for it!!!
Arent drive bys the thing you do when you are gonna shoot? Maybe that will get the message through to the rude ones, although thats even harsher than my suggestion.
I may just go for the one in the middle - do a PNL type response!!!!!!!!!!
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Ledger and Cheshire may well remember this thread they kindly helped me with as it was driving me mad and needed fresh eyes to look at it !!!
Have had an email today from HMRC (one of their auto mailings not email to me personally) re the reminding people to stop claiming NI contributions employment allowance if a director of limited company and they are the only person paid above secondary threshold
I think im just looking for some reassurance here as setting up this client was a HUGE headache (as seen from the previous postings)
On Moneysoft i have
In Employers details ... the claim NIC Allowance box NOT TICKED
In Employee details .... the tick here to use alternative scheme for calculating Directors NI HAVE THIS TICKED
This is right isnt it ???
PS Ledger if you are reading this .... no heard yet re that other payroll job will let you know if it comes through
Hi Gail, as soon as I saw the thread I though, oooh I remember that one! If the employer employs someone else over the primary threshold (1) (£156 a week) then he can claim it and all you need to do is tick the box then.
(1) There is a lot of debate over whether it should be if the employer employs anyone else disregardless of income then employers allowance is claimable, and that's something I personally agree with. HMRC guidance is the primary threshold.
And no problem on the outsourcing payroll, just send me a pm at the time if the opportunity arises.
Any advice given is for general guidance and professional advice should be sought applicable to your circumstances.
Hi John, ha ha thought you would remember!!!
He is the only one on the payroll and has £260O gross pay each month
Have I got the right ticks and non ticks as per previous message?
Yes of course will PM you re other one when I know
Everytime i get a Director for pay ... i just think of this client and freeze!!!!!
I really need some reassurance please re a new client nothing to do with the above whereby its two people BOTH directors
They want to do the £8164 salary a year £157 a week which is fine BUT......
and heres where that previous client haunts me !!!!!
I hate to sound to sound like a broken record re which boxes to tick but i have to ask ... which boxes am i ticking or not ticking for these directors????
In Employers details ... the claim NIC Allowance i tick or not tick
In Employee details .... the tick here to use alternative scheme for calculating Directors NI ...... do i tick or not tick?